Entrepreneurs Can And Should Reach A Level Of Enlightenment In Their Business Dealings
It is important for these people and entrepreneurs to understand what true enlightenment is, what it is not, how one can find it, and the benefits of doing so.
Enlightenment should also be the main goal of every seeker. Seeking other goals or hidden motives on their journey towards enlightenment, are only distractions. Although there are other benefits of enlightenment it is still highly recommend to the seekers that they should not be distracted from their path towards enlightenment.
There are many detours on the path to enlightenment. Sadly through the last decades there have been many fakers and Egotistical teachers who say they teach enlightenment, but they only teach devotion to themselves for their personal and financial gain. As entrepreneurs manage to distinguish the truth from the fakers they will understand more of these concepts and how they relate to their enlightenment, happiness, physical health, and other abilities.
The path to enlightenment is a rocky one and only a few find the truth and manages to live it out in their personal and professional life. Amazingly the truth of enlightenment hides in plain sight of all seekers. When we learn to set aside our Ego and live centered in our spirit we have reached the enlightenment goal.
There are also many beneficial side effects for people and entrepreneurs from learning to live in the spirit. This is since our total being is really composed of our spirit, an energy body, and physical bodies, which all work together to determine our state of health. Our spirit is really part of the universal consciousness that exists outside of time and space.
When true spiritual teachers refer to "enlightenment" they refer to the type defined by the Buddha, or in other eastern religions where one achieves peace and oneness with the underlying consciousness of the universe.
Christianity and other Western religions also have the same goal although it may not be as clearly stated. Just take note quotes from the Bible on peace and stillness as recognizing this state ofbeing. But the goal of true enlightenment is a very noble and difficult task, since almost all humans by nature are heavily bound up in their Egos from day to day.
Some entrepreneurs usually think only about what they want and how to become more important, popular, famous, or whatever it is they think will satisfy them. Ultimately, nothing can satisfy the Ego because it is an illusion of who we think we are, not our true enlighten self.
There are of course many religions, philosophies, organizations, and books all written over thousands of years to help entrepreneurs in their search for enlightenment. The fact that so few people ever report having reached this state shows how difficult a task it is.
Enlightenment is not about "feeling spiritual" because that is another trap of the Ego.
Also, many famous entrepreneurs, gurus, preachers, and some priests may also just be on an Ego trip and not really understand what enlightenment truly is. Many books also try to describe what enlightenment is, but words fail to describe a state of being that one has to experience to achieve any understanding.
Enlightenment should also be the main goal of every seeker. Seeking other goals or hidden motives on their journey towards enlightenment, are only distractions. Although there are other benefits of enlightenment it is still highly recommend to the seekers that they should not be distracted from their path towards enlightenment.
There are many detours on the path to enlightenment. Sadly through the last decades there have been many fakers and Egotistical teachers who say they teach enlightenment, but they only teach devotion to themselves for their personal and financial gain. As entrepreneurs manage to distinguish the truth from the fakers they will understand more of these concepts and how they relate to their enlightenment, happiness, physical health, and other abilities.
The path to enlightenment is a rocky one and only a few find the truth and manages to live it out in their personal and professional life. Amazingly the truth of enlightenment hides in plain sight of all seekers. When we learn to set aside our Ego and live centered in our spirit we have reached the enlightenment goal.
There are also many beneficial side effects for people and entrepreneurs from learning to live in the spirit. This is since our total being is really composed of our spirit, an energy body, and physical bodies, which all work together to determine our state of health. Our spirit is really part of the universal consciousness that exists outside of time and space.
When true spiritual teachers refer to "enlightenment" they refer to the type defined by the Buddha, or in other eastern religions where one achieves peace and oneness with the underlying consciousness of the universe.
Christianity and other Western religions also have the same goal although it may not be as clearly stated. Just take note quotes from the Bible on peace and stillness as recognizing this state ofbeing. But the goal of true enlightenment is a very noble and difficult task, since almost all humans by nature are heavily bound up in their Egos from day to day.
Some entrepreneurs usually think only about what they want and how to become more important, popular, famous, or whatever it is they think will satisfy them. Ultimately, nothing can satisfy the Ego because it is an illusion of who we think we are, not our true enlighten self.
There are of course many religions, philosophies, organizations, and books all written over thousands of years to help entrepreneurs in their search for enlightenment. The fact that so few people ever report having reached this state shows how difficult a task it is.
Enlightenment is not about "feeling spiritual" because that is another trap of the Ego.
Also, many famous entrepreneurs, gurus, preachers, and some priests may also just be on an Ego trip and not really understand what enlightenment truly is. Many books also try to describe what enlightenment is, but words fail to describe a state of being that one has to experience to achieve any understanding.