Cockroach Control Is Essential To Protect Your Family" s Health

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Although no homeowner would want a cockroach in their house, most people consider pest control a matter of convenience. In fact, many homeowners are shocked to find that cockroaches are leading carriers of disease and bacteria and can spread up to six different parasitic worms and seven kinds of human pathogens!

Why Cockroaches Pose an Indoor Health Hazard

When making their way indoors, cockroaches are known to crawl through all types of decaying matter and sewage. This turns the average cockroach into a disease-ridden vehicle with a number of germs covering its legs and body.

Additionally, the National Pest Management Association has issued a warning that allergens spread by cockroaches can trigger asthma attacks, especially in young children. Cockroach allergens can be easily spread indoors from shed skin and droppings; this debris can cause asthma attacks in both children and adults.

When it comes to the spread of bacteria, cockroaches are experts. While cockroaches themselves may not carry disease, they are covered with disease-causing organisms that can easily grow and multiply in their digestive system to be deposited onto plates and silverware through defecation.

Cockroaches can carry dangerous bacteria like Salmonella on their legs to later deposit it on food products to spread food poisoning. In a household without proper extermination, a family may be routinely exposed to cockroach debris and feces, leaving them at risk for more serious illness and routine asthma attacks.

How to Prevent Cockroaches from Spreading Disease Indoors

Regular pest control and routine cleanliness are the most important steps you can take to keep cockroaches from spreading disease throughout your home.

As a homeowner, consider these helpful tips to make your house unfriendly to creepy, crawly critters:

Keep food in the kitchen only and clean up any spills in the house right away.
Regularly wipe down tabletops, countertops, and stovetops after meals and eating.
Keep food and garbage in well-sealed containers.
Dont let dirty dishes stack up in the sink or on the counter overnight.
Remove garbage and debris, like stacks of newspapers and boxes, from around the perimeter of the house.
Fix plumbing issues, like leaky faucets and pipes, immediately since standing water is known to attract cockroaches.
Use a fan in the bathroom to ventilate during showers and baths to reduce humidity.
Seal crevices and cracks throughout the house, especially around gas lines, plumbing, and electrical wires.

If youre concerned about a potential cockroach infestation in your house, it helps to contact an Alabama pest control company right away. Although over-the-counter pest control can provide some immediate results, its difficult, if not impossible, to deal with the root of the issue yourself when you have a true cockroach infestation on your hands.

In order to protect your family from common allergens and the spread of disease, a zero-tolerance policy for indoor cockroaches is a must. Its important to consult a pest control company at the first sighting of a cockroach to make sure that indoor allergens and bacteria are no longer spread.
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