Is Genesis Pure Or a Pure Fraud?
The benefits of the product is to provide and energy and cleanse product.
The Good This company is riding many other companies' coat tails in delivering the same types of products as the others in this industry.
They are also big into philanthropy, but if you are trying to make money, it may become difficult for you to share what you do not have.
Kudos on the company for giving to those who need.
I liked the fact that this company will allow you to take the product into retail locations, but I also saw where you may not have as good of a profit margin if you do.
The Bad On this company, since they are still so new onto the scene, track record and does the product work going to show pure results.
Now, I could not find a return policy on the products, so if a customer does not get results, what can they do? I, also, dug into information on the marketing plans, and they want to get you to push people into a hype call.
I will say that this is a turn off to me, because if you need to hype, then you truly wonder about the products.
They also appear to promote friends and family.
Conclusion If you truly decide this company is for you, make sure you get the results from the product.
Make sure it meets a specific need and then find the people that would have the same symptoms and market the product to them.
You should and I would recommend that you set up different campaigns.
Not everyone needs to lose weight, not everyone needs energy.
Focus and scope your marketing.
Most people that will make money with this company will need to understand how to truly market.
Do not look for others in the company to show you, you need to know.
If you have a marketing background, and I do not mean with another network marketing company, then you will do well.
Now, if you do not, invest in training, search the internet for people that are willing to train you and understand what you need for this company.
You can make some good money with this company on internet marketing, if you stay focused.
Not everyone wears a size extra large, fit it for your clients' needs.
Also, find out if the company has a return policy.
If they do, use it to your advantage.
Get people to try the product, and if it does not show results they can return it.
Most companies do.
Make sure your customers know what the return policy is with your business.