Alzheimer"s Disease, Dementia and Coconut Oil
Alzheimer's disease is a type of dementia which actually causes physical changes within the human brain.
These changes outwardly manifest themselves in the patient in the form of confusion in conducting simple daily tasks, memory loss as well as possible depression.
Currently there are over 5 million people battling this disease in the U.
alone and the numbers continue to rise.
This illness costs the U.
in excess of $140 billion a year.
Further, Alzheimer's is an illness which accounts for between 50 to 80 % of all occurrences of dementia.
Alzheimer's is a progressive disorder.
The symptoms of dementia evolve slowly but do worsen over time.
The vast majority of these cases occur among individuals 65 years of age and older.
There is, unfortunately, a rising trend of early on-set Alzheimer's among younger people.
Cases are actually being discovered among people who are 40 years of age and younger.
As mentioned, the disease is a progressive one where at some unspecified time in the future; the patient will inevitably need full time dependent care.
Unfortunately, the disease is incurable and sadly proves fatal in many cases.
Research is being done to slow the onset of the disease symptoms, possibly prevent the disease and even with hopes of eventually curing the illness.
Among the efforts receiving significant interest are those efforts that include 'natural cures' among them being the use of coconut oil.
One of the more notable cases involving the benefits of the oil and Alzheimer's involves a medical doctor whose husband was diagnosed with earlier onset Alzheimer's.
The doctor claims that her spouse's symptoms were substantially reversed by introducing virgin coconut oil as a component of his day-to-day diet regime.
The theory behind this treatment involves supplementing the lack of glucose in the brain resulting from the illness and substituting the glucose with ketones from ingesting the oil.
While there has been little formal scientific research to collaborate the doctor's claim, there are an increasing number of people who have personally experienced similar results as the doctor from the introduction of the oil into the diets of themselves or a loved one.
The simple fact is coconut oil has been consumed by people for generations and has been a food staple to hundreds of thousands of people throughout the World.
Therefore if you happen to be contemplating trying to include it into your day-to-day diet plan or that of a loved one, the first rule is to talk with your doctor.
If after this conversation and any additional research, you conclude the pitfalls are minimal and the advantages are potentially higher, consider it and try it Otherwise, it's simple...
These changes outwardly manifest themselves in the patient in the form of confusion in conducting simple daily tasks, memory loss as well as possible depression.
Currently there are over 5 million people battling this disease in the U.
alone and the numbers continue to rise.
This illness costs the U.
in excess of $140 billion a year.
Further, Alzheimer's is an illness which accounts for between 50 to 80 % of all occurrences of dementia.
Alzheimer's is a progressive disorder.
The symptoms of dementia evolve slowly but do worsen over time.
The vast majority of these cases occur among individuals 65 years of age and older.
There is, unfortunately, a rising trend of early on-set Alzheimer's among younger people.
Cases are actually being discovered among people who are 40 years of age and younger.
As mentioned, the disease is a progressive one where at some unspecified time in the future; the patient will inevitably need full time dependent care.
Unfortunately, the disease is incurable and sadly proves fatal in many cases.
Research is being done to slow the onset of the disease symptoms, possibly prevent the disease and even with hopes of eventually curing the illness.
Among the efforts receiving significant interest are those efforts that include 'natural cures' among them being the use of coconut oil.
One of the more notable cases involving the benefits of the oil and Alzheimer's involves a medical doctor whose husband was diagnosed with earlier onset Alzheimer's.
The doctor claims that her spouse's symptoms were substantially reversed by introducing virgin coconut oil as a component of his day-to-day diet regime.
The theory behind this treatment involves supplementing the lack of glucose in the brain resulting from the illness and substituting the glucose with ketones from ingesting the oil.
While there has been little formal scientific research to collaborate the doctor's claim, there are an increasing number of people who have personally experienced similar results as the doctor from the introduction of the oil into the diets of themselves or a loved one.
The simple fact is coconut oil has been consumed by people for generations and has been a food staple to hundreds of thousands of people throughout the World.
Therefore if you happen to be contemplating trying to include it into your day-to-day diet plan or that of a loved one, the first rule is to talk with your doctor.
If after this conversation and any additional research, you conclude the pitfalls are minimal and the advantages are potentially higher, consider it and try it Otherwise, it's simple...