Top Ten Most Lucrative Jobs
- The top ten most lucrative jobs offer six-figure salaries for money image by Valentin Mosichev from
Although compensation is a key factor in a person's livelihood, most jobs offer many more rewards than just pay. However, ranking as one of the top ten most lucrative jobs has its perks. Forbes list of the Best Paying Jobs in America indicates that occupations within the medical industry offer lucrative benefits, along with long hours and fast-paced environments. (Reference 1) - A surgeon's job entails treating injuries and diseases, often in emergency situations. The stress of the occupation is compensated with an average salary of $206,770, as recorded by Forbes' 2008 data.
- Anesthesiologists are responsible for administering anesthetics and performing various medical procedures for patients in need. Ranked as the No. 2 most lucrative job, anesthesiologists averaged $197,570 annually in 2008.
- Also in the medical field, orthodontists ranked as the No. 3 most lucrative job with an average annual salary of $194,930 in 2008. Orthodontists perform specialized dental work, such as alignment of jaws and teeth.
- Delivering babies and caring for women ranks as one of the most lucrative jobs in America. According to Forbes, obstetricians and gynecologists earned an annual average salary of $192,780 in 2008.
- Oral and maxillofacial surgeons are responsible for performing repair work on the jaw and mouth. Ranked as the fifth most lucrative job in America, this occupation comes equipped with average annual earnings of $190,420.
- Assessment and treatment of the functions of internal organs has compensation perks. Internists, ranked as the No. 6 most lucrative occupations, earned approximately $176,740 annually in 2008.
- The cost of replacing oral structures and missing teeth pay off for prosthodontists, the seventh most lucrative occupation. In 2008, prosthodontists earned $169,810 annually in America, according to Forbes.
- Surgeons and physicians in general practice earned specialty wages with an annual average salary of $165,000, placing this occupation as the eighth most lucrative job.
- With an average annual salary of $161,490 in 2008, family and general practitioners ranked as the ninth highest paid while working to diagnose patients and prevent diseases.
- Chief executives are definitely on top when it comes to competitive pay. Ranked as the tenth most lucrative job, chief executives of corporations earned $160,440 annually in 2008.
#1: Surgeons
#2: Anesthesiologists
#3: Orthodontists
#4: Obstetricians and Gynecologists
#5: Oral and Maillofacial Surgeons
#6: Internists
#7: Prosthodontists
#8: General Physicians and Surgeons
#9: Family and General Practitioners
#10: Chief Executives