Dealing With Menstrual Flooding
Whoever it was who coined the phrase the curse while they were talking about that time of month when women must go through their periods had to be a woman number one and she must have had considerable trouble dealing with hers number two. You must be a woman who deals with all the side affects that come along with a menstrual cycle to truly understand how terrible it can be to experience month after month, year after year.
Although many men that have close relationships with women who have their period might tell you that there is a certain amount of suffering involved for them as well.
A typical period will usually last from three to seven days and return about every twenty eight days on average. This means that instead of just saying you get a period once a month, the bad thing is if you run a normal cycle, it gets closer each time. For example if you have your period on the tenth of one month, the next month it is likely to show up on the seventh or eight. For women who have lighter periods that last only about three days, it might not be that bad, but for those poor women who bleed for seven days each month, it can really feel like it is taking up a quarter of your life.
An average period, even the long ones, can be dealt with easily enough with all the feminine products that are available to choose from, but for those women who often or regularly experience heavy bleeding or flooding for at least three days of their period, might tell you differently.
Menstrual flooding can really hamper your lifestyle and when there is nothing that is really medically wrong, it is just something they have to endure. Sometimes it is necessary to wear a tampon and an overly large pad because the flow of blood can be so heavy. It is impossible to wear white or other light colors because it is just too risky and a sex life during this time is not really possible.
Could you even picture a big and burly construction worker having to deal with this for days on end? Oh they could I'm sure, but if men had to deal with periods themselves for at least one year out of there life on a regular basis like women do, then they would probably have a much better understanding of how annoying it is to go through all of the time.
Of course, this is only one side affect of periods. Many women also have to add the cramping, bloating, irritability, fatigue, headaches, and even other issues that can come with a period too. So cheer up guys and be glad you sometimes only have to experience the fallout of the periods women have and were not blessed with having the real thing.
Although many men that have close relationships with women who have their period might tell you that there is a certain amount of suffering involved for them as well.
A typical period will usually last from three to seven days and return about every twenty eight days on average. This means that instead of just saying you get a period once a month, the bad thing is if you run a normal cycle, it gets closer each time. For example if you have your period on the tenth of one month, the next month it is likely to show up on the seventh or eight. For women who have lighter periods that last only about three days, it might not be that bad, but for those poor women who bleed for seven days each month, it can really feel like it is taking up a quarter of your life.
An average period, even the long ones, can be dealt with easily enough with all the feminine products that are available to choose from, but for those women who often or regularly experience heavy bleeding or flooding for at least three days of their period, might tell you differently.
Menstrual flooding can really hamper your lifestyle and when there is nothing that is really medically wrong, it is just something they have to endure. Sometimes it is necessary to wear a tampon and an overly large pad because the flow of blood can be so heavy. It is impossible to wear white or other light colors because it is just too risky and a sex life during this time is not really possible.
Could you even picture a big and burly construction worker having to deal with this for days on end? Oh they could I'm sure, but if men had to deal with periods themselves for at least one year out of there life on a regular basis like women do, then they would probably have a much better understanding of how annoying it is to go through all of the time.
Of course, this is only one side affect of periods. Many women also have to add the cramping, bloating, irritability, fatigue, headaches, and even other issues that can come with a period too. So cheer up guys and be glad you sometimes only have to experience the fallout of the periods women have and were not blessed with having the real thing.