Picture of a Tomato Hornworm
This dastardly critter can consume an enormous amount of foliage from your tomato plants in quickly and efficiently. Despite their size, they are also surprisingly difficult to spot. Some years just a few of these pests have defoliated my tomatoes. If you see that the foliage of your plants has been stripped, the chances are that either tomato or tobacco hornworms are feasting on your plants. Tomato hornworms look similar and are equally as destructive.
The best way to get rid of these (although it is a pretty gross chore) is to pick them off and drop them in a container of soapy water. You can often find them on the bottom of the leaves.
If you see either type of hornworm that has white cylinders attached to them, leaven them in your gardens. The white things are parasitic wasps (ok, gross again) that will kill the hormworms and hopefully spread to others.
Growing Tomatoes in Containers
Common Mistakes Growing Tomatoes in Containers
The best way to get rid of these (although it is a pretty gross chore) is to pick them off and drop them in a container of soapy water. You can often find them on the bottom of the leaves.
If you see either type of hornworm that has white cylinders attached to them, leaven them in your gardens. The white things are parasitic wasps (ok, gross again) that will kill the hormworms and hopefully spread to others.
Growing Tomatoes in Containers
Common Mistakes Growing Tomatoes in Containers