Don"t Shoot Blindly for Improvement!
Why do we shoot blindly for improvement when achieving success can be as simple as doing something like following a step-by-step recipe or a step-by-step scientific formula? Why don't we just follow someone who has already gone successfully before us and who has already successfully done what we want to do? I mean, think about this for a dream-making moment: If we're baking a cake, then wouldn't it be prudent of us to follow a proven chef's recipe? If we're attempting a scientific experiment, then wouldn't it be prudent of us to follow a proven scientist's step-by-step formula? Yeah! It makes sense to me too! Let's just take proven road of the chef's recipe or the scientist's formula.
But what if we are trying to learn to throw a curve ball? Should we just keep throwing until we see the ball curve? No! Rather, we should seek out the instruction or the recipe of success from someone that has proven him or herself to be able to throw a consistent and effective curve ball.
Makes sense! In today's data-driven, multi-media world of the Internet, it no longer matters what activity we're trying to get better at.
Regardless of whether it is a mainstream activity like baseball, or learning geometry, or an activity less common like underwater welding, or trying to deliver a speech, I'm sure that there is data out there, as well as people out there that we could consult with, or at least check out on YouTube, who would help us follow their recipe or formula of success.
The truth is that anything we consciously chose to learn more about we can successfully do with a little bit of effort and a little bit of guidance from our sought after experts.
The data and the human experts are now at our fingertips, and so easily available these days thanks to technology, so why wouldn't we use them? If you want to learn something that will improve your life, then just simply go do it.
Now teens and even tweens, go learn, lead, and lay the way to a better world for all of us.
Don't shoot blindly for improvement and success.
Deliberately find someone that has already successfully done what you want to do, and then religiously follow them like your life depended on it! If you do, I guarantee you that you'll come out successful on the other end.
And finally, once again, thanks in advance for all that you do, and all that you will do...
But what if we are trying to learn to throw a curve ball? Should we just keep throwing until we see the ball curve? No! Rather, we should seek out the instruction or the recipe of success from someone that has proven him or herself to be able to throw a consistent and effective curve ball.
Makes sense! In today's data-driven, multi-media world of the Internet, it no longer matters what activity we're trying to get better at.
Regardless of whether it is a mainstream activity like baseball, or learning geometry, or an activity less common like underwater welding, or trying to deliver a speech, I'm sure that there is data out there, as well as people out there that we could consult with, or at least check out on YouTube, who would help us follow their recipe or formula of success.
The truth is that anything we consciously chose to learn more about we can successfully do with a little bit of effort and a little bit of guidance from our sought after experts.
The data and the human experts are now at our fingertips, and so easily available these days thanks to technology, so why wouldn't we use them? If you want to learn something that will improve your life, then just simply go do it.
Now teens and even tweens, go learn, lead, and lay the way to a better world for all of us.
Don't shoot blindly for improvement and success.
Deliberately find someone that has already successfully done what you want to do, and then religiously follow them like your life depended on it! If you do, I guarantee you that you'll come out successful on the other end.
And finally, once again, thanks in advance for all that you do, and all that you will do...