Disposable Contact Lenses - When to Use Them to Avoid Any Inconvenience to Your Eyes
But the contact lenses have their own draw backs.
They can become a big pain when it comes to cleaning, disinfecting, rinsing and storage, as without that your lens become a time bomb for infection ticking away, waiting for the inevitable to happen.
But it is not necessary to tie yourself down by this aspect.
Some people are not very particular about following these routines and end up in trouble.
So the best thing for them is the use of disposable lenses.
These lenses are actually maintenance free and can be conveniently discarded after single use.
So now with these lenses you can set yourself free from the hassle of cleaning and all the other paraphernalia that is attached with their care.
The disposable lenses are not just for the people with impaired vision, but the people who want to wear contact lenses for the sake of style and fashion can also use this type of lenses.
Basically there are two types of disposable lenses.
The first type is the one which is to be worn for just one day and then discarded.
The second type is the extended wear version.
This type can be worn for a week at a stretch.
The wearer does not need to remove it even when sleeping.
So there is actually no requirement to remove them for the purpose of cleaning.
When you remove them, you simply throw them away.
The extended use version can also be used multiple times, but would require maintenance in the same manner as you would maintain your regular lenses.
Next time when you think about getting contact lenses and are worried about the maintenance aspect, consider getting the disposable contact lenses.