1 Thing You Can Do Right Now to Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back!
However, the things you've been trying might not be the things you should be doing, so by now you're probably wondering what is the 1 thing you can do right now to get your ex boyfriend back! Well, because every breakup is different and every relationship is different there is one thing anybody can do to get things moving along in the right direction of reconciliation and that one thing is...
BE NICE! Now that might sound too simple, but it's very effective.
Think about it right now you're hurting and even though you want him back your emotions are all over the place.
And, anger is a very powerful emotion and can be displayed in your actions and words.
That alone is a reminder of one reason he wants to get away from you.
If you're unpleasant every time you talk to him or see him this will make him run in the other direction.
It brings back memories of all the times you both fought and at this point, he doesn't want to deal with it any more.
So, he'll start avoiding you like the plague.
Believe me you don't want that, especially if you want to fix the relationship.
Driving him further a way will only hurt your chances of making up, so be pleasant, it might be a hard pill to swallow, but if you really want him back, being friendly should not be difficult for you to do.
No matter what problems occurred before the breakup, being nice to him may make the problems seem less important.
Although, you can't change what happened, you can fix it easier if you're pleasant to him.
Also, if you're nice to him, this will throw him off guard because he'll be expecting you to be angry about the breakup.
Throwing him off his guard is not a bad thing; he might even start to think he made a mistake about letting you go.
This will definitely start you on your path to restoring your relationship and that is a good beginning.