How to Kill Pincher Bugs (Earwigs)
- 1). Clean several old tuna fish cans and fill them half full with vegetable oil. Set them around the house or garden where you noticed earwigs. The earwigs will crawl in and drown in the oil. Replace daily until you no longer see earwigs.
- 2). Vacuum up the earwigs with your vacuum hose. Immediately empty the vacuum bag, place it in a trash bag and toss in an outside trash can.
- 3). Sprinkle food-grade diatomaceous earth around your yard. Diatomaceous earth is an all-natural product that will not harm pets or children. It will, however, pierce the exoskeleton of the earwig. This causes the earwig to dehydrate and die.
- 4). Resort to using an insecticide if the other options don't work. According to Utah State University, permethrin, bifenthrin, carbaryl and malathion are effective against earwigs. Spray the earwigs directly, and then spray all possible entry points around your home.