Bee Removal From a Home
- Using carbaryl dust at entry points is a good bee removal method. It prevents the bees from nesting in the walls or using certain entrances repeatedly. When foraging bees pass through the dusted area, they get killed. If there are queen bees and house bees, which usually stay put to take care of the brood and nest, just dusting the entry points with insecticide will not suffice. The bee colony often recovers after some time. Elimination of the nest is important to completely remove bees from the house.
Locate the nest in the wall by tapping with the hammer and listening for characteristic buzzing sounds. Once you know the general location, place an inverted glass against the wall to locate the precise location of the nest. Drill a small hole into the wall and apply carbaryl dust on the hive. Wait for some time before plugging the hole. Agitated bees with no exit point may find or create a new exist. - Bigger swarms have more bees in them. It also means a bigger comb and more honey. Such combs are best killed when it is early winter or spring. During this period the bee population is fairly low. The treatment is also effective during the months of early February or March. When the swarms are new, it is easier to kill them even if they enter a building. Apply insecticide during late afternoon hours, as the bees will be in the hive.
- If the bee hive is inside a structural wall or ceiling, it is necessary to remove the hive after extermination. If the hive is not removed, the wax cells will begin to leak after some time. The honey and wax could leak into the interior walls or ceiling leading to permanent stains. Furthermore, wax moths may end up occupying the hive. And, if the hive is located in a chimney, it could become a fire hazard. Break the wall or ceiling to get access to the hive. Destroy the honey and hive.
- Once the dead bee colony is removed and the structural damage repaired, clean the area thoroughly. Use soap and hot water. Paint the damaged area and also plug all possible entrances in the area. Bees leave odors that linger for a long time. They can be picked up by other bees. If you spot another bee colony in your home or garden, call an exterminator to remove it. Bees are always looking for new spots to make another hive. If there are too many hives, consider getting a mesh screen installed on all windows and doors.
Bee Removal Method
Timing for Bee Removal
After Effects of Bee Extermination
Preventive Measures