Healing Properties Of Vegetables - Let Them Help You With The Improvement Of Your Health (Part 1)
Vegetables are used not only as food, but also for medical purposes.
The healing qualities of them were recognized many years ago.
Vegetables possess great variety of healing properties and can be used to treat various diseases.
The healing qualities of them were recognized many years ago.
Vegetables possess great variety of healing properties and can be used to treat various diseases.
- Red beet contains carbohydrates, organic acids, mineral substances, vitamin C and other vitamins.
Vitamin P and particular pigment betaine are responsible for the healing qualities of this vegetable.
Red beet juice can be used to treat anemia, avitaminosis, liver diseases, high blood pressure and constipation. - Carrot contains carbohydrates, carotene, organic acids, flavonoids, mineral substances, various vitamins (such as, C, B, K and PP) and other biologically active substances.
You should consume carrot to increase body resistance to infections, treat anemia and deal with metabolic disorders.
Carrot juice is proven to be of great help when dealing with avitaminosis, weak eyesight, thyroid gland problems, gallstones, constipation, cardiovascular diseases and stones in the kidney.
In addition, you can use the juice as a mouth rinse to treat gum inflammation and stomatitis. - White cabbage contains protein, carbohydrates, carotene, various vitamins (such as, C, P, B, K and U), organic acids and mineral substances.
You should use this cabbage in case of ulcer diseases and indigestion.
The vegetable can be used to prevent atherosclerosis, diabetes and obesity.
Mix equal quantities of cabbage juice and water, and rinse your mouth with the solution to treat stomatitis. - Red cabbage decoction or fresh juice with honey can be used to treat laryngitis, bronchitis, gastric diseases, polyps, duodenum diseases and skin diseases.
- Cucumber contains 94-98 percent water, carbohydrates, mineral substances, various vitamins (such as, C, B and PP) and carotene.
The vegetable has diuretic action.
In addition, it can be used to excrete uric acid out of your organism in case of rheumatism or gout.
Mix cucumber juice, carrot juice and beet juice, and use the mixture to clean bile ducts, kidneys and prostate gland.
Cucumber is a great remedy to prevent hair, skin and dental diseases.
Over ripe cucumber can be used to facilitate bowel movement. - Summer squash contains approximately 95 percent water, carbohydrates, mineral substances (including potassium) and various vitamins (such as, C, B2 and PP).
The vegetable has diuretic action.
It can be used to clean bile ducts and facilitate intestinal peristalsis.
You should use summer squash if suffering from cardiovascular, liver, renal and gastric diseases.
In addition, it is a great remedy to treat diabetes and deal with obesity.