How to Make a Painting Look Furry
- 1). Apply a layer of paint across the canvas darker than the final desired fur color. Block the initial layer of fur with a single color, darker than the successive paint layers to be applied. Blocking provides the initial layer that will be seen through the final layers of fur.
- 2). Thin paint with water or a thinning medium to create a wash lighter than the paint color used in the blocking stage. Using light brushstrokes the wash should be applied in the direction the fur is growing.
- 3). Allow the initial layers of paint to dry before applying a thin wash of color to the fur. Apply paint with a small tipped brush to add required details to the fur.
- 4). Mix lighter paint washes as the fur is painted by adding larger amounts of water or a thinning medium to the paint. Repeat the process of adding layers on lighter paint washes to build the appearance of layers of paint.
- 5). Add details where required, some animals should have whiskers and different colored hairs added to the surface of the painting.