Christmas Present of Love From Father and Mother for Little Ones
Christmas present for our angel children
The best gift for our youngsters is your love as your children best friend instead of bossing your kids like child like slaves. You, the father and mother are older than your children, may be you are more experienced in many things, but may be your kids still have a much better intuition given by God to know what is most important and how things really are done with love. May be in some aspects of life your kids may be more wise and superior to parents. When ever children do things differently from how you like to have it done, may be you are right with your technique, but may be the kids are right with their way of doing something. Question and challenge your own methods before enforcing your solutions upon your young ones. May be both options are evenly incorrect or evenly right. May be both solutions are different but fully OK.
Love for your young ones is totally free, yet there are very accurate techniques to truly prove your affection for your young ones. Some of the most effective presents money never can purchase are:
Respect the God given freedom of your kids. Give the all freedom they want and be a guardian spirit and living example on how to use this freedom. Instead of restricting freedom or taking freedom away from young ones - demonstrate them how to be free, demonstrate them how to use freedom peacefully and with love by observing the freedom and wholeness of all creation, of all mankind and mother earth while loving your own freedom. Afford your young ones the freedom to wake up when they want or go to sleep when they feel tired or want to go to bed. Kids have a far more opened energy system and may have a totally different inner clock than adults. Be a living example all told you do - for your young ones and others around you - grownups and kids - too. Accept the curiosity of children as a gift from them - allow them at any given age to be with you, to watch you, to listen what you say or discuss with others. Children love to learn from their parents if their father and mother have something interesting, creative or useful to carry out. The easiest method to grow and learn is by being permitted to follow grownups, to learn and exercise grownup work whenever the divine curiosity of children wants so. Allow them to spend some time with you which ever place you go.
Respect the desire of young ones to have free time on their own, away from parents, even in very young age. Children are exactly like adults - curious and adventurous. They love to venture into new areas of actions, they enjoy to widen their geographical reach of actions as they develop and mature. The only way to safely allow them to grow adult and strong is by given them freedom and wise advice when ever they ask any question. By being allowed to spend time with you when ever they feel like and love to - you give them all the theoretic knowledge and basic practice while they live, work and venture with you - then after a while watching and practicing new activities with you - they may want to experience on their own. Such learning is natural behavior of all divine children. Here on earth as well as home in God. God never confines the freedom of anyone. God gives tips before you do something or go some place so when you find yourself away and exercise or experience or work - God is observing you, guarding you and always giving you helpful advice and guidance if you are constantly open for God.
Young ones love to be handled with love and wisdom like all human being of any age.
The best gift for our youngsters is your love as your children best friend instead of bossing your kids like child like slaves. You, the father and mother are older than your children, may be you are more experienced in many things, but may be your kids still have a much better intuition given by God to know what is most important and how things really are done with love. May be in some aspects of life your kids may be more wise and superior to parents. When ever children do things differently from how you like to have it done, may be you are right with your technique, but may be the kids are right with their way of doing something. Question and challenge your own methods before enforcing your solutions upon your young ones. May be both options are evenly incorrect or evenly right. May be both solutions are different but fully OK.
Love for your young ones is totally free, yet there are very accurate techniques to truly prove your affection for your young ones. Some of the most effective presents money never can purchase are:
Respect the God given freedom of your kids. Give the all freedom they want and be a guardian spirit and living example on how to use this freedom. Instead of restricting freedom or taking freedom away from young ones - demonstrate them how to be free, demonstrate them how to use freedom peacefully and with love by observing the freedom and wholeness of all creation, of all mankind and mother earth while loving your own freedom. Afford your young ones the freedom to wake up when they want or go to sleep when they feel tired or want to go to bed. Kids have a far more opened energy system and may have a totally different inner clock than adults. Be a living example all told you do - for your young ones and others around you - grownups and kids - too. Accept the curiosity of children as a gift from them - allow them at any given age to be with you, to watch you, to listen what you say or discuss with others. Children love to learn from their parents if their father and mother have something interesting, creative or useful to carry out. The easiest method to grow and learn is by being permitted to follow grownups, to learn and exercise grownup work whenever the divine curiosity of children wants so. Allow them to spend some time with you which ever place you go.
Respect the desire of young ones to have free time on their own, away from parents, even in very young age. Children are exactly like adults - curious and adventurous. They love to venture into new areas of actions, they enjoy to widen their geographical reach of actions as they develop and mature. The only way to safely allow them to grow adult and strong is by given them freedom and wise advice when ever they ask any question. By being allowed to spend time with you when ever they feel like and love to - you give them all the theoretic knowledge and basic practice while they live, work and venture with you - then after a while watching and practicing new activities with you - they may want to experience on their own. Such learning is natural behavior of all divine children. Here on earth as well as home in God. God never confines the freedom of anyone. God gives tips before you do something or go some place so when you find yourself away and exercise or experience or work - God is observing you, guarding you and always giving you helpful advice and guidance if you are constantly open for God.
Young ones love to be handled with love and wisdom like all human being of any age.