How to Recover an iPod Mac
- 1). Open iTunes. Connect your iPod to your computer. Select the iPod from the Devices sidebar and select the Summary tab. Make sure "Enable Disk Use" is checked off and select "Apply." Quit iTunes.
- 2). Show hidden files. Open Terminal, located within "Utilities" in the Applications folder. Type the following command and hit "Enter": "defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE" (do not type the quotes). After, type the following command and again hit "Enter": "killall Finder" (do not type the quotes). Quit Terminal.
- 3). Open Finder. Select your iPod from the Devices sidebar. There will be a number of folders, including "Calendar," "Contacts," "iPod_Control," "Notes" and "Photos."
- 4). Open "iPod_Control." Command-click on the Music folder and select "Copy." Command-click on the Desktop and select "Paste." This will copy all the music files on your iPod to your Mac's desktop. Depending on how many files are on your iPod, it will take some time.
- 5). Open iTunes. The files within the Music folder are in a format that can only be read by the iPod and iTunes and the naming convention will not be recognizable. Open "iTunes Preferences" via the menu bar and select the Advanced tab. Check the boxes "Copy files to iTunes Media folder..." and "Keep iTunes Media folder organized."
- 6). Drag the Music folder from your desktop to your iTunes library. ITunes will then copy and organize all the files you just copied from your iPod, importing them to your computer's music folder. Once all the files are copied, you can delete the Music folder on your desktop.