Rescue Work To Save Your Marriage Relationship
If you are wanting to keep a marriage or relationship together and are willing to work hard to keep it together, then you may need some relationship rescue.
There are many books you could read and a lot of advice may be found from friends and counselors.
There are marriage therapists to go to for counseling but many of them will end up saying the same things and will not give you sound advice that you can put into action.
The first thing that you can do in any relationship rescue effort is to be completely honest with each other, and accept each other just the way you are.
Doing these things may be difficult, but you must do them to make progress in the relationship.
You must be willing to accept the fact that much of the blame in the difficulties of the relationship is shared.
Admit your own failures and accept that there may be some truth to the complaints that your partner has about you.
If you want your mate to change,then you must be willing to change also If you want them to keep an open mind about things that you wish for them to work on then you must do the same.
In any relationship there has to be the willingness to compromise and meet the others needs.
True love always puts the other persons needs first.
If there is going to be a relationship rescue taking place, both parties must take a hard look at themselves and see where they failed to meet each others needs The biggest step of any relationship rescue is to change your perspective.
For some people perception has blinded their eyes and created a false reality.
You may look at the situation and think you could never get it worked out, but then, after a change in perspective, it may not seem so bad after all.
When people are angry or hurt they often are not thinking clearly and have a way of blowing things out of proportion.
This is especially true in marriage relationships.
Much of marriage counseling deals with this type of relationship management.
Look closely at the situation from different viewpoints.
Your spouse/partner may seem like they don't care, or maybe they're not giving you the attention you need.
Don't jump to conclusions.
They may not realize what is going on, or they may be burdened with other problems that they haven't shared with you.
You much keep the communications open to work out the difficulties between you.
Talk through things and when you reach an agreement, don't keep bringing it up.
Forget about it and move on.
Just stick to your part of the deal.
Many of the problems that relationships face is due to the fact that there is someone in the relationship, or maybe both in the relationship, who hold on to grudges.
Don't let that happen.
I've heard people say, "Well, I'll forgive them, but I won't forget it!" That's not true forgiveness.
If there were things that happened in the past that has been dealt with, then let them go! When you do have discussions or arguments don't bring up the past.
Deal with the present.
Don't fight battles more than once.
If you are truly willing to rescue your relationship, then I believe these ideas will help you and the one you love breath new life into your relationship.
There are many books you could read and a lot of advice may be found from friends and counselors.
There are marriage therapists to go to for counseling but many of them will end up saying the same things and will not give you sound advice that you can put into action.
The first thing that you can do in any relationship rescue effort is to be completely honest with each other, and accept each other just the way you are.
Doing these things may be difficult, but you must do them to make progress in the relationship.
You must be willing to accept the fact that much of the blame in the difficulties of the relationship is shared.
Admit your own failures and accept that there may be some truth to the complaints that your partner has about you.
If you want your mate to change,then you must be willing to change also If you want them to keep an open mind about things that you wish for them to work on then you must do the same.
In any relationship there has to be the willingness to compromise and meet the others needs.
True love always puts the other persons needs first.
If there is going to be a relationship rescue taking place, both parties must take a hard look at themselves and see where they failed to meet each others needs The biggest step of any relationship rescue is to change your perspective.
For some people perception has blinded their eyes and created a false reality.
You may look at the situation and think you could never get it worked out, but then, after a change in perspective, it may not seem so bad after all.
When people are angry or hurt they often are not thinking clearly and have a way of blowing things out of proportion.
This is especially true in marriage relationships.
Much of marriage counseling deals with this type of relationship management.
Look closely at the situation from different viewpoints.
Your spouse/partner may seem like they don't care, or maybe they're not giving you the attention you need.
Don't jump to conclusions.
They may not realize what is going on, or they may be burdened with other problems that they haven't shared with you.
You much keep the communications open to work out the difficulties between you.
Talk through things and when you reach an agreement, don't keep bringing it up.
Forget about it and move on.
Just stick to your part of the deal.
Many of the problems that relationships face is due to the fact that there is someone in the relationship, or maybe both in the relationship, who hold on to grudges.
Don't let that happen.
I've heard people say, "Well, I'll forgive them, but I won't forget it!" That's not true forgiveness.
If there were things that happened in the past that has been dealt with, then let them go! When you do have discussions or arguments don't bring up the past.
Deal with the present.
Don't fight battles more than once.
If you are truly willing to rescue your relationship, then I believe these ideas will help you and the one you love breath new life into your relationship.