Growing Wheat in Africa
- 1). Prepare the land. Use a shovel to turn the dirt over and then rake smooth. Repeat this step two to three times over the summer to kill remaining grass if you have an extra season before you need to start planting.
- 2). Turn manure into the soil to fertilize. In dry climates like Africa, use less as the wheat will grow faster and may die because it uses all the water in the soil.
- 3). Plant the seed by broadcasting it. Broadcasting means to throw the seed out in a fan shape by hand. There are also broadcast spreaders that you can purchase at home and garden stores. These are either cranked by hand or pushed along like a cart. They spread the seed for you in a fan shape.
- 4). Rake the seed into the ground.
- 5). Water two to three times during the summer if you live in the dry parts of Africa.
- 6). Use a scythe to cut your wheat when the kernels have fully dried. If you wait too much longer after they dry, the wind might blow them away. Also be sure to keep your scythe razor sharp.