Fractured Bones Injury: Overview
Symptoms of Fractures
While the symptoms of fractures will depend on the severity of injury and the area affected, there are common signs that will determine if there is a bone breakage.
Loss of function of the affected area
Swelling of the muscles around the injured part
Deformity of the affected limbs
Bruises around the injured area
Types of Fractures
There are many types of fractures based on the severity of the injury. However, regardless of the type of fractures, people should immediately seek medical attention.
Simple. This happens when the bone breaks into two pieces.
Comminuted. This occurs when a bone breaks into several pieces.
Stress (also called as fatigue fracture). A type of bone fracture that is common among athletes, this injury happens when a relatively low force repetitively puts stress on the bone.
Complete. This occurs when a bone completely snaps into two pieces.
Incomplete. The bone has fissures but did not completely snap into two pieces.
Compound (also called as open fracture). The fractured bones protrude through the muscle and skin.
Treatment for Bone Fracture
These are the most common realignment procedures to allow the bones to heal properly:
Casting or putting a splint. This procedure will prevent movements that may aggravate the injury and will allow the affected area to heal itself.
Open reduction. In this surgical procedure, the doctors, after giving local or general anesthesia to patients, will insert a pin, screw, plat, or rod inside the muscle to properly align the fractured bone.
This type of surgery will allow the injured bone to retain its function within few weeks instead of months.
After successfully realigning the broken bone, doctors usually give patients certain medications that will allow the injury to heal immediately and properly.
Also, patients should undergo rehabilitation and physical therapy to allow the injured bone to retain its function. These procedures, which involve light movement of the affected area, will increase blood flow that can promote healing process.