Here Are Little-Known Secrets to MLM Prospecting To Build a Downline Fast
Do you remember back, the first time you heard about network marketing? Do you remember the first thing that came to your mind? My guess is you thought about what the opportunity could give to you.
You may have seen some young guy driving around in a fancy new car.
Or some lady taking a new vacation with her family.
These are the freedoms that network marketing can provide to anyone.
And these freedoms are what you are seeking for yourself.
Keep this in mind when you are prospecting, and talking to new people about your MLM opportunity.
When people first see a network marketing opportunity they don't really care about the products or the company.
People want either 2 things, more time, or more money.
There is a good reason you see a lot of testimonials on sales pages, and company events.
Because people want the lifestyle network marketing can provide for them.
I see many people make the mistake when prospecting for their MLM company, and leading with the products.
You may have been guilty of this.
I know I have.
For many years I would try to convince people that my products and company were the best thing since "sliced bread" And guess what? I never recruited anyone.
So I began to change my ways, and get people to start looking at how the mlm products and company could give them a better life.
When you're on the phone, or out talking with people.
Ask them questions, and find out which hot button will get them to take notice.
Ask question like this.
"How do you see yourself in 5 years"? "Will you be working the same job"? "What is the ideal vacation"? "What would you do with more free time"? "How would you spend the free time"? "What is the car you want to drive"? "What does the house you want to live in look like"? "If money was not a problem, what would you do"? These are examples of what you want to say to people to find their wants and desires.
You have a great product and compensation plan, yes we all think that.
But that is just a tool you can use to get people to their desired destination.
If you just walk up to someone on the street, and push a brochure of the products on to them.
All your doing is pushing a tool on them.
They will look at it and say, "what is that"? It's a puzzled thought, because you "have not" painted the picture of what it can do for them.
MLM prospecting is giving others what they want.
Most people hate their jobs, or business because it's not paying well, and their is no free time.
Paint the picture for your new prospect and they will join your new opportunity.
Your "Upline" Just Doesn't Know This Stuff, and It's Killing YOUR Business...
You may have seen some young guy driving around in a fancy new car.
Or some lady taking a new vacation with her family.
These are the freedoms that network marketing can provide to anyone.
And these freedoms are what you are seeking for yourself.
Keep this in mind when you are prospecting, and talking to new people about your MLM opportunity.
When people first see a network marketing opportunity they don't really care about the products or the company.
People want either 2 things, more time, or more money.
There is a good reason you see a lot of testimonials on sales pages, and company events.
Because people want the lifestyle network marketing can provide for them.
I see many people make the mistake when prospecting for their MLM company, and leading with the products.
You may have been guilty of this.
I know I have.
For many years I would try to convince people that my products and company were the best thing since "sliced bread" And guess what? I never recruited anyone.
So I began to change my ways, and get people to start looking at how the mlm products and company could give them a better life.
When you're on the phone, or out talking with people.
Ask them questions, and find out which hot button will get them to take notice.
Ask question like this.
"How do you see yourself in 5 years"? "Will you be working the same job"? "What is the ideal vacation"? "What would you do with more free time"? "How would you spend the free time"? "What is the car you want to drive"? "What does the house you want to live in look like"? "If money was not a problem, what would you do"? These are examples of what you want to say to people to find their wants and desires.
You have a great product and compensation plan, yes we all think that.
But that is just a tool you can use to get people to their desired destination.
If you just walk up to someone on the street, and push a brochure of the products on to them.
All your doing is pushing a tool on them.
They will look at it and say, "what is that"? It's a puzzled thought, because you "have not" painted the picture of what it can do for them.
MLM prospecting is giving others what they want.
Most people hate their jobs, or business because it's not paying well, and their is no free time.
Paint the picture for your new prospect and they will join your new opportunity.
Your "Upline" Just Doesn't Know This Stuff, and It's Killing YOUR Business...