Penis Enlargement Methods - The Different Ways to Increase the Size of Your Penis
Some are natural, while other requires surgery and the use of funny looking devices that will surely cost you.
Nevertheless, it gives the male a variety, as they can now choose the methods best suited to their needs.
As you know, undergoing surgery involves large sum of money and risk that other methods does not have.
Also, keep in mind the long recovery time and torture.
Ultimately, the intervention to enlarge the penis is complicated and requires a long period of rest later.
We also have natural methods of penis enlargement, and one that is fairly common to everyone are herbal pills, much cheaper than the operations and the results are really excellent according to polls conducted on the pages of these products and through the opinions and testimonials of users.
These products will enlarge the penis, but there is no absolute guarantee that it has no side effects even with certificates that guarantee its safety and effectiveness.
However, they are recognized by professionals and industry experts (urologists and sexologists), which carried unanimously their recommendation along with other form of enlargement methods.
Penis Enlargement Extenders - These products use the same principle of traction used in orthopedic surgery, whereby a body tissue exposed to a tensile force can stretch and expand the penis.
But who would want to experience the discomfort of this device, I know I don't.
Penis enlargement pills - We have assessed the effectiveness of these products to accomplish a more permanent penis enlargement in length and width but unfortunately, there are still some side effects as nobody can actually say that it will work on all individual without any kind of side effects since manufacturers are not the same likewise the individual that will used them.
Weights - The idea is to stretch the penis so it grows.
It may seem at first that it could work, however the medical ramifications of this method are extremely dangerous and risky and although this penis enlargement methods is used in many cultures, nevertheless it is still very dangerous and can cause gangrene and amputation of the penis if used wrongly and for extended periods of time.
Vacuum Bombs - This penis enlargement methods "may" increase the penis temporarily, but they cannot enlarge, the results persist only for using the product when it stops the penis returns to its previous size (or smaller).
In addition we do not recommend using these devices more than 15 minutes per day (manufacturer's recommendation) and if they are used by larger periods of time can cause a disease that could be described as continuous erection that can cause gangrene and amputation.
Exercises - This is one penis enlargement methods that will not cost you a single dime nor put you at risk.
It is done manually and naturally and even though the results take time to take effects, you are assured of its permanency.