How to Use a Neti Pot
Introduction to Neti.
Washing out your nostrils daily may seem like a strange thing to do.
Every day, we go through the motions of taking a shower or bath, brushing our teeth, and shaving.
However there is one part of our bodies which remains dirty, that is the nostrils.
The air we breath is filled with contaminants.
They can range from industrial pollution to bacteria and viruses.
These contaminantscan have an adverse effect on the body.
The nose serves a useful purpose.
Tiny hairs called cilia work to push mucous to the back of the throat where they are swallowed, or out the front where they are blown out.
Unfortunately, sometimes the cilia get overloaded and the particles can be lodged which can create a situation that can grow worse as time goes by.
Enter the Neti Pot, a simple solution to clean out the nostrils and allow the nose to work as nature intended.
What is a Neti Pot? Neti Pots come in various shapes and sizes.
Some are made of plastic, some metal and some are ceramic.
Regardless of the type of Neti Pot, they all serve the same purpose, that is to clean out the nostrils and allow the cilia to function normally.
What are the Benefits? How to use a Neti Pot.
Using a Neti Pot is a simple exercise, and with time can become as automatic as brushing your teeth.
Step One Fill your Neti Pot with warm water and about ½ a teaspoon of sea salt.
It is important that you use non-iodized sea salt as the iodine will burn your nostrils.
If you can't find sea salt, non-iodized Kosher salt can be used as a substitute.
Step Two Place the end of the Neti Pot into one nostril, tilt your head and allow the water to go through.
Don't worry, this is perfectly safe.
Repeat with the other nostril.
Step Three After you wash out your nostrils, it is recommended that you place a couple of drops in each nostril with a anti-microbial substance.
The practice of Neti does create a sterile environment and it is important to protect and moisturize each nostril as a safeguard.
In my practice I use Organic unrefined Sesame oil.
Sesame oil contains Vitamin E, an anti-oxidant and magnesium (which supports respiratory health), copper, calcium, iron, zinc and vitamin B6.
Washing out your nostrils daily may seem like a strange thing to do.
Every day, we go through the motions of taking a shower or bath, brushing our teeth, and shaving.
However there is one part of our bodies which remains dirty, that is the nostrils.
The air we breath is filled with contaminants.
They can range from industrial pollution to bacteria and viruses.
These contaminantscan have an adverse effect on the body.
The nose serves a useful purpose.
Tiny hairs called cilia work to push mucous to the back of the throat where they are swallowed, or out the front where they are blown out.
Unfortunately, sometimes the cilia get overloaded and the particles can be lodged which can create a situation that can grow worse as time goes by.
Enter the Neti Pot, a simple solution to clean out the nostrils and allow the nose to work as nature intended.
What is a Neti Pot? Neti Pots come in various shapes and sizes.
Some are made of plastic, some metal and some are ceramic.
Regardless of the type of Neti Pot, they all serve the same purpose, that is to clean out the nostrils and allow the cilia to function normally.
What are the Benefits? How to use a Neti Pot.
Using a Neti Pot is a simple exercise, and with time can become as automatic as brushing your teeth.
Step One Fill your Neti Pot with warm water and about ½ a teaspoon of sea salt.
It is important that you use non-iodized sea salt as the iodine will burn your nostrils.
If you can't find sea salt, non-iodized Kosher salt can be used as a substitute.
Step Two Place the end of the Neti Pot into one nostril, tilt your head and allow the water to go through.
Don't worry, this is perfectly safe.
Repeat with the other nostril.
Step Three After you wash out your nostrils, it is recommended that you place a couple of drops in each nostril with a anti-microbial substance.
The practice of Neti does create a sterile environment and it is important to protect and moisturize each nostril as a safeguard.
In my practice I use Organic unrefined Sesame oil.
Sesame oil contains Vitamin E, an anti-oxidant and magnesium (which supports respiratory health), copper, calcium, iron, zinc and vitamin B6.