Chinese Herbs to Increase Libido - A Combination of the Best Which Are Proven to Work
It's a simple fact that you are what you eat and if you feed your body the right food, it will respond and has an immense capacity to heal itself.
So which are the best Chinese herbs combined should you take? Let's take a look at the best Chinese herbs to increase libido Cnidium Cnidium is a very powerful libido enhancer which performs two key functions in curing impotence and streghtening libido.
Compounds contained in the herb work to increase nitric oxide release and inhibit PDE-5 and the net result of this is a harder stronger erection.
Nitric oxide is the key to an erection in that it allows the blood vessels of the blood vessels of the penis to relax and expand enough to allow more blood to enter and create an erection.
If you don't get sufficient nitric oxide, you won't get an erection - so you need plenty of it, as it declines with age and it's a common cause of erectile dysfunction Cnidium also helps promote stronger blood flow to the extremities of the body and the penis.
This ensures there is enough blood there to enter when nitric oxide is realized.
If you think about it the first thing that happens when you get aroused is - your heart starts to beat faster and pump blood to the penis and Cnidium aids the process.
Ginkgo Biloba Ginkgo Biloba improves blood circulation throughout the body and is the ultimate blood circulation herb.
It also helps to protect the blood vessels, keeps them healthy and combats and reduces arteriosclerotic lesions which can inhibit blood flow.
Horny Goat Weed This herb increases levels of nitric oxide and also increases testosterone, the key male sex hormone.
In addition it acts to fight stress (a known libido killer) and enhance energy levels in the body and make you feel better and increase libido.
Tribulus Terrestris Tribulus is a tonic herb which increases stamina and energy and increases testosterone production due to its affect on the pituitary gland.
This is the herb used by serious sports stars, to increase performance and is seen as the ultimate energy and stamina herb.
Tongkat Ali This herb has a reputation for increasing energy and stamina.
The bioactive Glygopeptide compounds contained in the herb have been proven to increase testosterone levels, as well as decrease levels of SHBG.
Both help a man to get a hard erection and boost libido.
Medical testing has also shown the herb also increases sperm volume, size and motility.
Get them All and Boost Libido Naturally! The above Chinese herbs to increase libido can all be found in the best herbal sex pills and within a few weeks, if combined with a sensible lifestyle, are proven to increase male libido.
So try the above Chinese herbs to enhance libido and you will be able to recover your libido as nature intended without the need for prescription drugs.