Unite and Win - How to Defeat Tyranny
The logic behind the principle of Unite and Win is very simple.
On the one hand you have what I refer to as the Architects of Tyranny: the utopian planners and interwoven banking cartels and corporate interests who, finding the great mass of their fellow men somewhat troublesome creatures, are working to create a global super-state under which the aforementioned troublesome billions will be drugged, bemused, misinformed, misled, manipulated, policed, poisoned and otherwise bludgeoned into a state of (they hope) apathetic acquiescence.
On the other hand, one has millions of people who are wise to this sinister caper and its manifold aspects, who raise their voices in objection and at the same time seek to alert their less aware fellows to the danger the vast majority of human beings are now in.
Those objectors - loosely termed the global resistance movement - have formed groups, published books, set up websites and so forth in order to make their voice heard and to get anyone still in possession of a pulse within largely suborned governments to discharge their primary duty - to serve ALL the people and not just a handful of wealthy vested interests.
Such resistance groups are very varied.
There are nutritionists for example who would like people, if it's all the same to you, not to be poisoned by their food, not to be needlessly drugged for every ailment and to live longer and be healthy, They come up against, of course, the architects of the new tyranny who would actually prefer people to be ill.
You don't believe me? Well, LOOK at what is being put into our food supply or at the way medical doctors are now trained! Their are psychiatric rights organisations who object to the wholesale drugging of generations on the transparently bogus pretext of made-up mental "illnesses" and based on some of the most outrageously dishonest science anyone ever heard of! And they run up against the same powerful vested interests who are working so hard to disable humanity and reduce it to malleable zombyism, who are determined to drug every human being they can get their hands on - and at immense profit.
There are human rights organisations working to make human rights a universal FACT and they run up against the same architects of tyranny who are labouring in the opposite direction: the reduction of human rights.
There are those who want the TRUTH - via a fully IMPARTIAL investigation - about 9/11 and they in turn run up against the same powerful vested interests for whom the whole concept of investigations whose conduct and findings they cannot control is utterly anathema.
And so it goes.
Group after group after group, each working more or less ALONE and each facing ALONE the combined might of those wealthy and utterly ruthless vested interests who are for all intents and purposes, thanks to the weakness of our governments, above the law.
That disunity is the greatest weakness of the freedom movement - and by freedom movement I mean any person or group who thinks basic human rights and freedoms and the principle that no man should be above the law are a good idea.
But what would happen if all those multifarious groups and individuals were to unite shoulder-to-shoulder against the covert architects of the new tyranny? How much power might they exert if they formed themselves into a united front? How great might their numbers be? How loud their voice? The enemy is already afraid of them and is immensely gratified by their disunity.
How terrified would he be if he woke up one day to find a united freedom movement with millions of people behind it arrayed against him? What it all boils down to is this: the architects of tyranny will only win if we let them.
Together, side-by-side, the Good Guys will win.
But they must unite! Quick!
On the one hand you have what I refer to as the Architects of Tyranny: the utopian planners and interwoven banking cartels and corporate interests who, finding the great mass of their fellow men somewhat troublesome creatures, are working to create a global super-state under which the aforementioned troublesome billions will be drugged, bemused, misinformed, misled, manipulated, policed, poisoned and otherwise bludgeoned into a state of (they hope) apathetic acquiescence.
On the other hand, one has millions of people who are wise to this sinister caper and its manifold aspects, who raise their voices in objection and at the same time seek to alert their less aware fellows to the danger the vast majority of human beings are now in.
Those objectors - loosely termed the global resistance movement - have formed groups, published books, set up websites and so forth in order to make their voice heard and to get anyone still in possession of a pulse within largely suborned governments to discharge their primary duty - to serve ALL the people and not just a handful of wealthy vested interests.
Such resistance groups are very varied.
There are nutritionists for example who would like people, if it's all the same to you, not to be poisoned by their food, not to be needlessly drugged for every ailment and to live longer and be healthy, They come up against, of course, the architects of the new tyranny who would actually prefer people to be ill.
You don't believe me? Well, LOOK at what is being put into our food supply or at the way medical doctors are now trained! Their are psychiatric rights organisations who object to the wholesale drugging of generations on the transparently bogus pretext of made-up mental "illnesses" and based on some of the most outrageously dishonest science anyone ever heard of! And they run up against the same powerful vested interests who are working so hard to disable humanity and reduce it to malleable zombyism, who are determined to drug every human being they can get their hands on - and at immense profit.
There are human rights organisations working to make human rights a universal FACT and they run up against the same architects of tyranny who are labouring in the opposite direction: the reduction of human rights.
There are those who want the TRUTH - via a fully IMPARTIAL investigation - about 9/11 and they in turn run up against the same powerful vested interests for whom the whole concept of investigations whose conduct and findings they cannot control is utterly anathema.
And so it goes.
Group after group after group, each working more or less ALONE and each facing ALONE the combined might of those wealthy and utterly ruthless vested interests who are for all intents and purposes, thanks to the weakness of our governments, above the law.
That disunity is the greatest weakness of the freedom movement - and by freedom movement I mean any person or group who thinks basic human rights and freedoms and the principle that no man should be above the law are a good idea.
But what would happen if all those multifarious groups and individuals were to unite shoulder-to-shoulder against the covert architects of the new tyranny? How much power might they exert if they formed themselves into a united front? How great might their numbers be? How loud their voice? The enemy is already afraid of them and is immensely gratified by their disunity.
How terrified would he be if he woke up one day to find a united freedom movement with millions of people behind it arrayed against him? What it all boils down to is this: the architects of tyranny will only win if we let them.
Together, side-by-side, the Good Guys will win.
But they must unite! Quick!