Christmas Gifts for Teachers from Students
- Purchase a gift certificate from a teacher supply store, specialty gift shop, movie theater, day spa, bath product store or bookstore. Have the whole class pitch in for one large gift certificate or buy a small gift certificate from just you and your child.
- Homemade hangers are inexpensive yet memorable homemade teacher Christmas gifts. Use about 12 plastic shopping bags to pad a plastic hanger. Use tape to attach the shopping bags at both ends. Do not cover the hook. Begin by wrapping ribbon or decorative fabric around the plastic bag padding at the base of the hook. Leave a 1-foot tail above it to use to tie the bow when the hanger is complete. Continue wrapping the ribbon around the hanger until all of the plastic has been hidden. Leave another 1-foot tail at the end of the ribbon. Tie the tails together into a tight bow at the bottom of the hanger's hook.
- Fill a large jar with most of the necessary ingredients for one recipe. Some jar recipe ideas that might appeal to teachers are mixes for cake, pancakes, brownies, cookies or soup. If possible, layer the ingredients to enhance the gift's presentation. Include a hand-written recipe card with the gift so the teacher will know how to make what's inside.
- Have each student in the class make a small, edible homemade gift. Some delicious ideas would be freshly baked cookies and candies and jarred preserves and jellies. Include several small packages of flavored crackers and a cheese and sausage tray. Or include plenty of healthy, beautiful fruit. Have one person arrange all of the treats in a spacious, reusable gift basket. Affix a heartfelt note to the gift basket or have one that's big enough for everyone in class to sign.
Gift Certificates
Homemade Hangers
Jar Recipes
Gift Baskets