Are Generic Drugs Safe?
Many people do not really understand what this means and so they decide to err on the side of caution and stick to the brand name drug.
If you do take a regular medication, then it is worth knowing about generic drugs and whether they may be suitable for you.
There are new medications that are being constantly researched and developed by pharmaceutical companies.
When they have come up with a new medicine that they want to release, they have to patent it and have it approved for use by the FDA.
Having a patent stops other companies from developing the same medications and protects the original company's significant financial investment.
After a certain period of time the patent on the medication expires and then other companies are able to apply for permission to manufacture that drug too.
When the medication is manufactured by a company that did not develop the drug it is considered a generic medication.
The medication is exactly the same strength as the original.
Since the company that makes the generic did not have to pay for the R&D, the drug can usually be sold cheaper than the brand name one.
A further reason generics are cheaper is that the brand name company also spends a lot of money on marketing and advertising of the medication.
Not only do they advertise and market to the public, but they also send medical representatives to doctors and pharmacists to promote the drug, as well as pass on promotional material and samples.
This adds considerable cost to the sale of the medication.
Some people tend to worry that the less expensive version of the medication is not the same standard as the brand name.
This is a common misconception: the drugs are still high quality and this is constantly monitored by the FDA.
The generic manufacturers cannot make the drug without having had to meet stringent standards to show the composition is safe.
Something else that is often misunderstood about generics is that people think they may not be as potent.
There are also people who think that the medications take a longer time to work in the body.
These ideas are both wrong as they work in precisely the same way that the brand name drug works.
The only difference between the medications may be that they look different since the law says they cannot look the same as the brand name drug.
The shape, color or size of the medication may appear a little different, but the active ingredients inside the pill are just the same.
If you would like to try taking generic drugs, then you can either tell your pharmacist next time you go to get your prescription filled or talk to your doctor about it.