Watchful Waiting Is Not Appropriate For Hpv Infection
HPV infection usually does not cause symptoms and often goes away without causing any problems, so you or your partner may not be aware of a current or past HPV infection. Pregnant women have the same risk of developing cervical cancer as nonpregnant women. Other risk factors that may increase your risk for cervical cancer include the following lists.
(1) High-risk sexual behaviors, such as having more than one sex partner, or having a sex partner who has more than one partner. Safer sex can reduce your risk. (2) Using birth control pills for more than 5 years. This may be related to infection with HPV. (3) Exposure to diethylstilbestrol (DES) before birth (prenatal exposure), though this is rare.
(4) Having an impaired immune system. For example, women with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) seem to have higher rates of HPV infection, be more likely to develop cervical cell changes from HPV, and be more likely to quickly develop cervical cancer from those cell changes. (5) Smoking or a history of smoking, and possibly exposure to secondhand smoke.
If you have been diagnosed with cervical cancer, be sure to follow your doctor's instructions about calling when you have problems, new symptoms, or symptoms that get worse. If you are concerned about your symptoms or if you think you have an increased risk for cervical cancer, call your health professional if you have the following symptoms.
Unexpected bleeding between menstrual periods. Menstrual periods that are irregular for 3 months in a row. Severe menstrual bleeding that causes you to change a maxi-pad or super tampon every hour for longer than 8 hours. Unexpected bleeding after douching or sexual intercourse. Pain during sexual intercourse. Abnormal vaginal discharge containing mucus that may be tinged with blood.
Health professionals can evaluate your symptoms and your risk factors, and can diagnose cervical cancer. Regular Pap test screening is the most important tool in identifying and treating cervical cell changes before they progress to cervical cancer. After cervical cancer has been diagnosed, it should be treated. Watchful waiting is not appropriate.
Genital warts are also caused by HPV. These warts are spread through intimate skin-to-skin contact with an infected partner. Out of about 200 types of HPV identified to date, more than 30 have the ability to infect the genital tract. However, HPV types 6 and 11 are responsible for approximately 90% of all genital warts, and thus are the primary targets for HPV cures.
Genital warts can vary in appearance. They can be very small, can occur in clusters and can develop into large masses in the genital area. They seem to be as prevalent in women as men. They occur either vaginally, on the cervix, or around the anus in females. In men, they usually occur on the tip or shaft of the penis, on the scrotum or around the anus.
Most doctors use cauterization or freezing as a first option to cure genital warts. Unfortunately, success achieved with this method is often temporary and the warts soon reappear. For genital warts, cures may involve having to surgically excise or burn them off. After surgical intervention or chemical acids are used, one can expect a scar in that area.
Genital warts often require an immediate HPV cure which must be able to eliminate both the visible symptoms and the causative virus to be truly effective. HPVCurative is a new, highly effective and potent way to cure genital warts. It is valued for its role in the realm of genital warts cures, and has provided total clearance of the infection time after time.
HPVCurative contains certified organic medicinal plant extracts and antiviral essential oils, which have demonstrated the ability to act as an HPV cure in laboratory tests. Users of HPVCurative experience rapid elimination of genital warts without scarring or recurrence. The treatment is painless and provides superb results when compare to other HPV cures.
CURED remains one of the only companies with the advanced know-how required to effectively concentrate these naturally occurring anti-tumor compounds in a HPV cure. HPVCurative is truly a powerful and highly developed way to cure genital warts. To learn more, please go to