What Are the Terms Commonly Used in Visual Basic?
- The design view in a Visual Basic program is a window in which the programmer can create a visual interface for the software application. For example, the programmer can add buttons for the end users to click, text boxes for text entry or labels to display captions and titles.
- The code view in a Visual Basic program is a window in which the programmer adds the code for the functionality of the software. For example, the functionality of software behind a button click is added in the code view. A code-view window is always linked to a design-view window.
- The tool box is a palette that holds numerous controls such as buttons, radio buttons, labels, text box, check box, drop-down list, tab control etc. These controls can be dragged and dropped on the design-view window. For example, if the programmer wants to create a calculator using Visual Basic, he can drag and drop buttons from the tool box for each number on the calculator with a text box to display all the clicked numbers and calculated results.
- A design-view window is also called as a "form." A programmer is allowed to create any number of forms in a software application. Each form can represent a different screen or window in the software application.
- The properties window displays the properties of any control that is selected from a design view. For example, if the programmer clicks on a button that has been dropped on a design view, the properties window will display the properties of the button. These properties can be edited and saved by the programmer. "Button Size," "Button Position" and "Button Text" are some of the properties of a button control that are displayed in the properties window.
- The project-explorer window lists all the forms that have been created by the programmer. The programmer can select any form from this window to be displayed for editing.
Design View in Visual Basic
Code View in Visual Basic
Tool Box
Form in Visual Basic
Properties Window
Project Explorer