Finding The Right Plastic Surgeon For You
Cosmetic surgery can help you brighten your entire life. The way you look is very much part of the way you feel. It is perfectly normal to want to look more attractive and to associate your physical well being with your emotional health. With the growing popularity of plastic surgery, the increase in the number of physicians performing cosmetic procedures, and the increasing publicity about unsuccessful and botched procedures and other plastic surgery disasters, it is becoming more and more important to learn all you can about it and to have access to the right answers to many important questions about your desired procedure before you have it. You need to find out where you can get the information you need to choose an appropriate plastic surgeon for your desired procedure. Following are some how to tips provided by the Cosmetic Surgery Information Center, a non-profit public benefit organization which has been providing information, education and assistance to the public since 1985 (see below contact information) .
Initially, one should develop a list of potential candidates. This can be done by seeking recommendations from a family member or friend, seeking recommendations from your own family physician, or seeking independent advice from an information center in your area familiar with local plastic surgeons which concentrates on knowing the field. In reviewing whether a particular surgeon is appropriate for your surgery, the following should be considered:
What are the physicians credentials and training experience?
Is the surgeon board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery?
How many procedures of the type you are seeking has the surgeon performed?
Has the surgeon ever been disciplined by any hospital, state medical board or certifying board?
As you compile your list of names, these credentialing items can be checked by contacting professional societies, state medical boards, hospitals or information centers that work in the field that compile such information.
In considering any plastic surgery procedure, the consultation and interview of the potential physician candidates is very important. You should narrow your list of potential surgeon candidates down and consider a consultation with two or three candidates to discuss their qualifications for your particular procedure and their opinions on what procedure(s) may be best for you. Questions to ask the surgeon during the consultation process should include:
Am I a good candidate for the procedure I seek, and which is the best procedure for me to give me my desired results?
Are there non-surgical alternatives that I should consider?
How many of the procedures of the nature that I am considering have you performed and do you perform on a monthly basis?
Where will the surgery be performed? Is it appropriately licensed and accredited? Do you have privileges in a local hospital to perform the procedures we are planning or to care for any possible complications?
What are the risks involved with my procedure and what complications have occurred most frequently? How often do they occur?
How much will it cost? Is there financing available?
How are complications handled, both medically and financially?
Once you have completed your analysis of the surgeons you are considering, your choice should become clear. Finding a surgeon you feel comfortable with is very important. In addition to getting comfortable with their skills and qualifications, you should be comfortable with their judgment, communication, caring nature and integrity. Their bedside manner as it relates to you is important.
Once you have chosen who will perform your procedure, before the surgery you should address the following issues so you are comfortable with how the procedure will go and what life will be like for the days after the surgery:
What do I need to do to prepare for the surgery?
How will side effects be handled?
How can I better manage any post-surgical complications such as nausea, pain and bleeding?
How long of a recovery period can I expect and how long will it keep me from my daily activities and work?
Having plastic surgery can change ones life. But doing it with the wrong person can make that be a negative change. Choosing the right surgeon to perform your procedure is paramount to reducing the risks of your expectations for the outcome not being realized. For more information and assistance (including brochures) on how to choose the right plastic surgeon for your surgery, you can contact The Cosmetic Surgery Information Center (see below).
Initially, one should develop a list of potential candidates. This can be done by seeking recommendations from a family member or friend, seeking recommendations from your own family physician, or seeking independent advice from an information center in your area familiar with local plastic surgeons which concentrates on knowing the field. In reviewing whether a particular surgeon is appropriate for your surgery, the following should be considered:
What are the physicians credentials and training experience?
Is the surgeon board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery?
How many procedures of the type you are seeking has the surgeon performed?
Has the surgeon ever been disciplined by any hospital, state medical board or certifying board?
As you compile your list of names, these credentialing items can be checked by contacting professional societies, state medical boards, hospitals or information centers that work in the field that compile such information.
In considering any plastic surgery procedure, the consultation and interview of the potential physician candidates is very important. You should narrow your list of potential surgeon candidates down and consider a consultation with two or three candidates to discuss their qualifications for your particular procedure and their opinions on what procedure(s) may be best for you. Questions to ask the surgeon during the consultation process should include:
Am I a good candidate for the procedure I seek, and which is the best procedure for me to give me my desired results?
Are there non-surgical alternatives that I should consider?
How many of the procedures of the nature that I am considering have you performed and do you perform on a monthly basis?
Where will the surgery be performed? Is it appropriately licensed and accredited? Do you have privileges in a local hospital to perform the procedures we are planning or to care for any possible complications?
What are the risks involved with my procedure and what complications have occurred most frequently? How often do they occur?
How much will it cost? Is there financing available?
How are complications handled, both medically and financially?
Once you have completed your analysis of the surgeons you are considering, your choice should become clear. Finding a surgeon you feel comfortable with is very important. In addition to getting comfortable with their skills and qualifications, you should be comfortable with their judgment, communication, caring nature and integrity. Their bedside manner as it relates to you is important.
Once you have chosen who will perform your procedure, before the surgery you should address the following issues so you are comfortable with how the procedure will go and what life will be like for the days after the surgery:
What do I need to do to prepare for the surgery?
How will side effects be handled?
How can I better manage any post-surgical complications such as nausea, pain and bleeding?
How long of a recovery period can I expect and how long will it keep me from my daily activities and work?
Having plastic surgery can change ones life. But doing it with the wrong person can make that be a negative change. Choosing the right surgeon to perform your procedure is paramount to reducing the risks of your expectations for the outcome not being realized. For more information and assistance (including brochures) on how to choose the right plastic surgeon for your surgery, you can contact The Cosmetic Surgery Information Center (see below).