How to Fold a Mini Trampoline
- 1). Turn over your mini-trampoline, unscrew the legs, remove them and set them aside.
- 2). Remove the safety padding from the top of your mini-trampoline, if applicable, and lay the trampoline flat with the thread connectors facing upward. If your trampoline has rail-only padding, unsnap or unhook it from the rails (if the manufacturer suggests doing so).
- 3). Push down on the rails with the help of one or more people and unhook any wire rings from the secure pins. Go to Step 5 if your mini-trampoline doesn't have wire rings or secure pins.
- 4). Remove the secure pins.
- 5). Fold the trampoline upward in half, with another person supporting the trampoline so that it doesn't snap back. Reset any secure pins and wire hooks in the rails within the proper pinholes if your trampoline has this safety feature. Fold again if your mini-trampoline rails allow a quarter fold by pulling both ends of the semi-circle toward each other.
- 1). Fold the legs of your mini-trampoline upward and inward and secure the legs using locking hinges, locking snaps, bungee cords or straps. Follow the manufacturer's guidelines for the proper way to do this.
- 2). Remove any safety padding, if applicable.
- 3). Place the trampoline flat on the floor with the folded legs facing you and the rail hinges on your left and right, respectively. Place your feet on the left and right side edges of the rail closest to you. Have another person secure the trampoline rails as you firmly grasp the opposite rail with your hands and slowly pull it toward you to complete a half fold.
- 4). Pull the rails toward you for a quarter fold and store.
Products with Removable Legs
Products with Fixed Legs