5 Ways Any Man Can "Cheat Proof" His Relationship
By Otto Collins
Kevin and Liz have dated for 2 years now. It is clear to Kevin that this relationship is one he wants to last. He loves Liz and believes that they may even decide to get married one day.
But, Kevin has read the statistics. He is worried about how rampant infidelity seems to be. Some of Kevin's friends have cheated on their girlfriends or wives. A few of his other friends have been cheated on.
While Kevin would like to do whatever it takes to prevent an affair from happening in his relationship with Liz, he isn't sure what specific steps to take.
While there is no 100% guaranteed way for anybody to ward off an affair in a love relationship or marriage, there are many things that you can do-- that you might already be doing.
You CAN "cheat proof" your relationship.
Here are 5 suggestions...
#1: Stay open
Whether your woman is asking you try a new diet or a new lovemaking position, stay open. Just about every one of us gets stuck in our unique way of looking at love, life or what's possible and this can easily stagnate a relationship.
While it's not advisable for you to say "yes" to what you truly don't want, it's just as unwise for you to close down to something merely because it's not what you are accustomed to or it wasn't your idea.
Get into the habit of asking yourself, "Why not?"
#2: Stay interested
As well as you think that you know your woman, you probably don't. A recipe for dull and boring in a relationship is a couple who cease being interested in one another.
As humans, we are always growing and changing. Don't assume that your partner is the same person she always has been. Get curious. Ask questions and find within yourself the interest in what her answers are.
#3: Never stop listening
A common relationship complaint is that one person (or both) feel that the other does not really listen. This non-listening can happen accidentally or on purpose.
Be aware of why you are tuning out your woman if you have a habit of doing so. It might be that you need time to re-charge your batteries after a long day of work and before interacting with her. It could be that you are harboring resentment or irritation that is manifesting as ignoring.
Own up to it when you aren't listening and then deliberately address the block within you and start paying attention.
#4: Courageously share it all
Yet another roadblock to connection for couples is withholding. When one (or both) hold back and don't share, misunderstandings, hurt feelings and distance can easily occur.
Set aside your worries that she might think you are "less of a man" for thinking or feeling whatever it is you are thinking and feeling. Find the courage to be truly open and to let her in.
If you have been closed because you are worried about offending or hurting her, take some time to choose your words mindfully. When you speak from a place of love and an intention to connect, she can more easily hear your words.
#5: Keep appreciating
Never ever stop appreciating your woman, your relationship and even your own self. A love relationship or marriage in which two people stop along the way to express how grateful they are for what they have-- even if there are changes that also need to be made-- is one that has a greater chance of lasting and being fulfilling.
If you tend to criticize, challenge yourself to find at least 3 things every single day that you can appreciate about your mate and your relationship. You can write these down, think them to yourself or share them with her.
While this probably isn't the first time that you've heard these tips for "cheat proofing" your relationship, you may not actually be doing them regularly, or at all. Use this list as a reminder and a starting point.
Kevin and Liz have dated for 2 years now. It is clear to Kevin that this relationship is one he wants to last. He loves Liz and believes that they may even decide to get married one day.
But, Kevin has read the statistics. He is worried about how rampant infidelity seems to be. Some of Kevin's friends have cheated on their girlfriends or wives. A few of his other friends have been cheated on.
While Kevin would like to do whatever it takes to prevent an affair from happening in his relationship with Liz, he isn't sure what specific steps to take.
While there is no 100% guaranteed way for anybody to ward off an affair in a love relationship or marriage, there are many things that you can do-- that you might already be doing.
You CAN "cheat proof" your relationship.
Here are 5 suggestions...
#1: Stay open
Whether your woman is asking you try a new diet or a new lovemaking position, stay open. Just about every one of us gets stuck in our unique way of looking at love, life or what's possible and this can easily stagnate a relationship.
While it's not advisable for you to say "yes" to what you truly don't want, it's just as unwise for you to close down to something merely because it's not what you are accustomed to or it wasn't your idea.
Get into the habit of asking yourself, "Why not?"
#2: Stay interested
As well as you think that you know your woman, you probably don't. A recipe for dull and boring in a relationship is a couple who cease being interested in one another.
As humans, we are always growing and changing. Don't assume that your partner is the same person she always has been. Get curious. Ask questions and find within yourself the interest in what her answers are.
#3: Never stop listening
A common relationship complaint is that one person (or both) feel that the other does not really listen. This non-listening can happen accidentally or on purpose.
Be aware of why you are tuning out your woman if you have a habit of doing so. It might be that you need time to re-charge your batteries after a long day of work and before interacting with her. It could be that you are harboring resentment or irritation that is manifesting as ignoring.
Own up to it when you aren't listening and then deliberately address the block within you and start paying attention.
#4: Courageously share it all
Yet another roadblock to connection for couples is withholding. When one (or both) hold back and don't share, misunderstandings, hurt feelings and distance can easily occur.
Set aside your worries that she might think you are "less of a man" for thinking or feeling whatever it is you are thinking and feeling. Find the courage to be truly open and to let her in.
If you have been closed because you are worried about offending or hurting her, take some time to choose your words mindfully. When you speak from a place of love and an intention to connect, she can more easily hear your words.
#5: Keep appreciating
Never ever stop appreciating your woman, your relationship and even your own self. A love relationship or marriage in which two people stop along the way to express how grateful they are for what they have-- even if there are changes that also need to be made-- is one that has a greater chance of lasting and being fulfilling.
If you tend to criticize, challenge yourself to find at least 3 things every single day that you can appreciate about your mate and your relationship. You can write these down, think them to yourself or share them with her.
While this probably isn't the first time that you've heard these tips for "cheat proofing" your relationship, you may not actually be doing them regularly, or at all. Use this list as a reminder and a starting point.