How to Deal With the Pain After a Break Up
It's sometimes the most painful experience that one can feel in his/her lifetime that occurs every time you are in a relationship.
More often than not, the pain is equal to that of losing a loved one who passed away.
Dealing with the pain requires a lot of patience, strength and effort.
Dealing with the pain requires you to take time and recover from it, not jump into the sea of single women/guys.
We all have different coping mechanisms to deal with pain, stress, heartbreak, and depression.
But regardless of the difference, there will always be one or two methods that we all have something in common about.
Here are just some of the different ways how to get over a break up.
) Do you want to get back with your ex? - Before the healing can actually start, you have to answer this question.
Sometimes, getting back with your ex is in itself a healing process because you and your partner become better persons when you get back together and the relationship will last longer.
) Self - evaluation - If you answered NO on the first question, you are in the process of slowly moving forward on your own.
This step is often the most difficult and most crucial part in any healing process because you are evaluating yourself.
List down all your mistakes and what you did and what you didn't do in your past relationship/s.
Ask yourself questions like "did you let work get a hold of you when your partner needed you most?" or "Where was I when he/she needed me most?" or "Where did I go wrong?" and answer them honestly.
The truth hurts but this is crucial if you want to become a better person and for you to start feeling better.
) Distraction - take time to relax and enjoy life's pleasures.
Go out on a vacation, pamper yourself, and get your adrenaline pumping and all those other things that people consider fun.
It's normal to be hurt after a break up.
What's important is how you get back on your feet when you're down.
Don't beat yourself too hard when you do the self evaluation.
Admit to your mistakes and avoid doing them all over again.
This will help you become a better person.