How Do You Word a Wedding RSVP?
- 1). Decide on the level of formality for your wedding and select corresponding wedding invitation stationery and language.
- 2). Utilize language that requests the invited guest's response. For example, "The favour of your reply is requested," is a popular approach to opening a response card.
- 3). Give the invited guest a due date. Implement a response deadline within at least three weeks of the wedding so that you are able to place follow-up calls as well as give your caterer notice of your guest count.
- 4). Leave an area for the invited guest to indicate whether he or she will attend or if they will send their regrets. For example, "[_____________] will attend," and "[_______________] send our regrets," allows the guest to respond to the invitation.
- 5). Coordinate with the company or person who is putting together your invitations and supply them with the language for your response card.
Wording a Wedding Response Card