Tips and Tricks Using Adobe Photoshop 7
- Photoshop 7 is still a powerful photoshop work image by trimkus from
Photoshop 7 is an older version of Adobe's flagship software, and Adobe has added new capabilities to Photoshop with each new release. Version 7, however, was a solid graphics program for its time--with plenty of tricks up its sleeve--and many people still use it. - One interesting thing you can do in Photoshop 7 is combine two or more images into a single image. Rather than creating a collage, however, Photoshop 7 assembles the images to look like a single image. You can do this by opening your main image, then the other images from which you want to extract elements. Next, make copies of the elements you want to use with one of the selection tools--such as "Magnetic Selection"--and paste them into the main image. Finally, use the positioning and scale functions to place each element where you want it.
- One useful tool in the Photoshop 7 arsenal is the "Clone Stamp" tool. It allows you to use one section of the image as "paint" to cover another section. Choose a reference point in your image by holding down the "Alt" key and clicking. Next, hold down the left mouse key and click over the area you want to repair. Do not drag with the mouse, however, since this will produce noticeable lines. Clicking several times produces a better effect.
- The "Layer Grouping" function is a valuable feature in Photoshop 7 that helps when you create complex images with many parts. This feature lets you organize your image. For example, if you are creating a cartoon face, you can organize features like eyes in one group and lips in another. This makes it easier to make changes while maintaining the uniformity and symmetry of your image.
Clone Stamp
Layer Grouping