Wrinkle Reduction Tip No"s 1 to 5
Wrinkle Reduction Tip #1: Avoid Urea
Most every wrinkle mask that I have looked at contains urea of one type or another. Urea is a waste-product produced by animals and plants, alike. It is the primary component of urine. Why would anyone suggest that you use that on your face?
They claim the compound "softens" the skin, but there are much more appealing botanicals that will soften the face. Safety precautions have been issued concerning the skin irritation that can result with use. Most products that include the ingredient contain a warning label, but some do not, so be careful.
It causes itching and redness, can lead to inflammation of the skin and will irritate the eyes and respiratory tract. There are better choices.
Wrinkle Reduction Tip #2: Avoid Parabens
All parabens may be hazardous to our health. They penetrate the skin and build up in our tissues. They may contribute to the formation of cancerous tumors. Practically every skincare product on the market contains one or another of them. But, one is particularly dangerous.
The wrinkle mask distributed by Dead Sea Laboratories, Ltd contains sodium methyl-paraben. The inclusion of this ingredient is banned in the European Union, since it causes de-pigmentation of the skin, increasing sensitivity to UV damage. The skin changes can be permanent.
Wrinkle Reduction Tip #3: Use Broad Spectrum Sun-block as needed
UV radiation from the sun causes increased levels of free radicals in the skin-cells. Dermatologists have stated that free radicals are responsible for all of the outward signs of aging, including wrinkles and lost firmness.
Most sunscreens do not provide broad spectrum protection. Many of the compounds increase free radical production. The sunscreens oxybenzone and benzophenone are now listed as "carcinogens"; cancer-causing agents.
When you will be out in the sun for more than 15 minutes or so, cover exposed areas with a zinc oxide sun-block. It's the only really safe choice. Avoid the daily use of products that contain sunscreens.
Wrinkle Reduction Tip #4: Use a Nighttime Antioxidant Moisturizer
Repairs to cells and fibers are done at night, so you need a nighttime antioxidant moisturizer. Antioxidants provide natural defense against free radical damage and repair damage that has already occurred. Look for the ingredients coenzyme Q10, honey, avocado oil and Shea butter. Buy preservative and fragrance free to prevent unwanted reactions.
Wrinkle Reduction Tip #5: Alternate Deep Cleansing with Deep Moisturizing
Every week, use either a deep cleansing or deep moisturizing anti wrinkle mask. Keep in mind all of the suggestions mentioned above and try to find clay extracts for cleansing the pores. For deep moisturizing, look for macadamia oil. It's an unusual ingredient but a wonderfully luxurious moisturizer.
In addition to a weekly wrinkle mask, use a nourishing day cream and practice a healthy lifestyle. Your face will appreciate it.