3 Facebook Sins Blocking Productivity and Profitability for Your Business

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Being active on Facebook will increase your business visibility, credibility and profit (think, income) if you avoid repeating some of my own early mistakes.
Here's what to be on the lookout for: 1.
Using Facebook to broadcast but not to converse.
It's easy to fall into the habit of posting links to interesting content from blogs and quotes that are inspirational.
Add in some personal news and you may be spending too much time broadcasting, a one-way activity.
Your Facebook friends and fans may not be listening.
The more productive use of your Facebook marketing time is to get into more direct contact (e.
direct messaging) and a two-way conversation with folks.
Conversations fuel relationships and relationships fuel referrals and recommendations and leads.
Creating and posting messages "to the world.
Generating a big list is somewhat useful but treating everyone equally is not strategic or profitable.
Take the time needed to put your Facebook friends into lists and post messages that are directly relevant to people on a particular list.
Once your Facebook friends group grows larger than your inner circle of family and friends, it's time to work with your lists, not broadcast a "one size fits all" message to everybody.
Executing a Facebook marketing plan that's not connected to your sales strategy.
What's the point of working on growing a large list of Facebook friends if no one is buying what you sell? You are in business to make money and pay your bills, right? How do your Facebook updates (as posts to your Wall) and Notes lead to sales? DON'T let people become hooked on your free and generous sharing of precious content without also getting them hooked on your outstanding and helpful products and services.
DO send them to blog posts and web pages that pre-sell and lead to offers of products and services.
Here's one example of how to tie your Facebook marketing to sales: Post a link and short message at Facebook that leads to a blog post you've written about the topic covered in an information product you have for sale.
Link to a web page that's the sales page with your "Buy Now" button.
On the Thank You page (or Download page) "upsell" another related product.
Make your early offers to prospects very targeted, practical and easy to say "Yes" with a purchase (in other words, high quality and low price).
Your hottest prospect on Facebook isn't the one who always clicks LIKE on your posts.
IT IS the one who opts in to your email marketing list and who buys a product you sell or recommend.
And the faster that happens, the better the prospect--because this Facebook friend isn't addicted to your free content.
It's someone who's eagerly awaiting your next product or service, your next training course or coaching session, your next book or piece of artwork.
Be Facebook marketing savvy and tie your social media marketing strategy to your sales strategy.
Be actively seeking the right prospects and partners, get into conversation and relationship and market what you know they need directly from your Facebook posts, Notes and blog posts.
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