Justice For Women (Is It Is A Bridge Or Barrier)

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"WOMEN" or rather correctly pronounced as "We" "men" .
How do we address them "House Managers " /"Bread Earners"/Child Bearers"/"Motivators"/"Better Halves"--but they make a difference don't they? So why not put the difference as an advantage, why don't we live, dream, aspire, challenge, along with them rather than against them.
Makes sense right? This is the urban age and women along with men are here to make an impact, let's not ignore them, let's listen and prioritize them.
In almost all societies through history, women have occupied secondary position vis-à-vis men.
In the initial stages, both men and women start out as equals but over a period of time, however, men begin to acquire more power and get the easier or more desirable roles.
Inequality has been so institutionalized that until very recently, women did not question the right of men to wield power over them.
Women had not only accepted that right of men to rule, but had also been forced to accept male superiority as a natural order of things.
Sexual harassment, eve-teasing, insulting the modesty of women, abduction, buying or selling minor girls and forcing them to indulge in prostitution, rape, murder are all considered to be violence against women.
Does the legislation of India provide protective measures to women? If the answer is yes, why do we come across so many instances of criminal behavior towards women and so many cases of violence against women? Who is to be blamed for this? Is the implementation of legislation faulty? Or is it because of male dominated society? The Indian Penal Code has indeed many provisions to protect the women in several aspects Sec.
294 of IPC states that whoever to the annoyance of other does any obscene act in the public place, or indulges in eve-teasing thereby insulting decency and morality shall be punishable with three months imprisonment with fine.
Though the legislation has given provisions to punish people who are indulging in eve teasing, this has not helped women in any way.
The brutal and tragic death of Sarika Shah has not resulted in curbing violence against women or in taking stringent action against the brutal criminals.
Sec 509 IPC states that whoever insults the modesty of women, utters any word, makes any sound or gesture, or exhibits any object, intending that vulgar words, gestures or objects which insult a women shall be punished with one year's imprisonment or with fine or both.
360 to 372 of IPC deals with kidnapping, abduction or buying or selling of minor girls.
If a female of under eighteen years is kidnapped by any person from India or from lawful guardianship they will be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to seven years and fine.
Sec 376 of IPC states that who ever commits rape shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which shall not be less than seven years and with a fine.
If a man rapes his wife, he shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term, which may extend to two years or with fine or both.
There are so many provisions provided by the Indian Penal Code for women's protection but how far is it favoring women who are poor victims? "Not many come out with their problem, only if they throw light to violence against them proper measures can be taken," feels Mrs.
Jayalakshmi, Criminal lawyer, High Court, Chennai.
Being a leading lawyer, she has dealt with umpteen cases in which women were seriously affected by men.
The lawyer feels proud to say that she gave proper justice to an eleven-year-old girl who was raped by her maternal uncle.
The girl was not only raped but also forced to go for a nude ride along with the uncle's friends.
The local police could not take necessary action due to political and personal pressures prevalent in the case.
The lawyer intervened in the case and struggled hard to give her justice.
The lawyer feels in spite of various protective measures provided for women by the Indian Constitution, women either do not come out with their problems mainly due to their ignorance of the laws made for their protection or even if they do, they are mentally and physically tortured by their intimates and also by higher officials.
Apart from this financial constraints also make the victim not to expose her problems, adds Mrs.
Our constitution is indeed building a bridge to support women who are helpless victims but many factors come as a barrier in between law and women thereby restricting her to get the needed justice.
"Women at all walks of life face the both mental and physical harassment," feels the esteemed lawyer.
Even if she is an IAS officer like Nalini Netto she has to be a helpless victim of sexual advancement by the ministers.
A minister irrespective of his caste and creed has to safeguard his nation and protect women but the chauvinistic and dominant nature within him makes him an oppressor.
Why all these instances ever happen at least in this century, which we call the 21st century.
All these instances clearly indicate the today's hypocratic system, which guarantees much but gives none.
The system lies in our within, as we lack the ability to under stand a woman and her needs.
What basically we lack is the aptitude of sensitization.
We take them for granted.
And it is for sure that if the mentality of the men remains like this the condition would never change.
Any thing if we can blame in the downtrodden attitude of an Indian Male.
A man would never understand the position of pregnant women.
This we can call the Lack of sensitization.
The popular saying 'There is a women behind every successful man' has been replaced to 'There is a male chauvinistic person behind every successful women' to restrict her to spoil her life.
What can the law do to curb the male dominated society? It is acting as a bridge for helpless women but the male dominated society is building a barrier between law and women.
To cross the barrier women not only need courage and fortitude but also knowledge of protection provided by law and an effective guide to show the path.
If we really want to do something for the woman and to increase its status in the society then the first thing we have to change is the Indian male attitude and the second thing we have to really change is the working of the law enforcement bodies.
The great leaders of our country make a hell lot of rules for the betterment of women but who's there to implement it? Its we who can make a difference, so what are we waiting for? So let's come forward and drive the egoistic monster that is a great barrier for the success of women from within the Indian male and be prepared to join hands with the women and make this world a real beauty.
Isn't it a nice idea?
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