What Forms of ID Are Needed to Get Across the Canadian Border If You Are a Legal Resident of Both?
- Enhanced driver's licenses (EDLs) are not yet available in every state or province, but residents of the states of Michigan, New York, Vermont and Washington, and the provinces of British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec can apply for EDLs under the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI). You'll need to apply at your state or provincial motor vehicle department. An EDL will usually cost more than a standard driver's license, but less than a passport. Enhanced learner's permits and non-driver ID cards are also available. EDLs are not valid for air travel.
- A passport card is a wallet-sized identification issued by the U.S. State Department and is valid for land or sea travel between the United States and Canada. Passport cards contain a radio frequency identification (RFID) computer chip that can be scanned at border crossings. A passport card is less expensive than a traditional passport book. If you've never had a passport, you'll need to apply in person. Locations are listed on the State Department website.
- A passport book is the only form of identification valid for air travel.Thinkstock/Comstock/Getty Images
First-time applicants for U.S. passports must apply in person. The application form is available online, but must be signed in the presence of an Acceptance Agent at an official facility. You will need your social security number, proof of citizenship or naturalization card, and a driver's license or military or government ID card. You'll need photocopies of the front and back of all of your identification and one photograph. - Canadian citizens living in Canada may submit passport applications and documentation either in person or by mail. You will need a Canadian birth certificate or certificate of citizenship, a secondary ID issued by the government such as your driver's license, military ID or health care card, two identical photos produced from the same film or electronic file, and a guarantor. A guarantor is a Canadian passport holder who has known you for at least two years.
- Under the WHTI, people who cross the border frequently and are considered low-risk can apply for Trusted Traveler status under the NEXUS and FAST/EXPRESS programs. Holders of these documents are allowed to use expedited border crossings. Membership in the Trusted Traveler program requires fingerprinting and a personal interview. The card contains an RFID chip and can be used at all land and sea crossings. NEXUS cards can also be used at special kiosks at some airports.
Enhanced Driver's License
U.S. Passport Card
U.S. Passport
Canadian Passport
Trusted Traveler Programs