Find Out If You Need an Oil Free Moisturizer - 5 Tips For Beautiful Skin
But let's look at if it's really necessary for everyone with oily skin to use oil free moisturizers and what you can do to improve your skin.
Some oils are bad for the skin and can make it break out and promote oiliness, while other oils can actually do the opposite and bring the skin back to normal.
So don't be so fast to rule out all oils from your skin care regimen.
Avoid Some Oils Mineral oil is one of the worst oils for the skin, as it clogs the pores, causes blemishes and can even promote older looking skin.
You'll also want to avoid refined natural oils, as these have been stripped from their vital nutrients.
Look for Good Oils Jojoba oil is deeply moisturizing and good for all skin types, as it balances the oil-production in the skin so it gets normal whether you have oily or dry skin.
Olive, grape seed, avocado and macadamia oil are also beneficial for the skin.
Choose a Natural Moisturizer I found out that many of the ingredients in regular moisturizers, both cheap and expensive ones, could hurt my skin from using them daily.
Instead of keeping track of each harmful chemical ingredient to watch out for, I just head for the completely natural moisturizers instead.
Proven Effective Ingredients If you want extraordinary results, then look for ingredients that have been proven to promote firmer skin and a healthy, even skin tone.
For example Cynergy TK - this is proven to increase the production of collagen, elastin and new skin cells to make the skin more youthful.
Deep Cleansing for Better Skin Are you serious about improving your skin? Then do a deep cleanse every other week.
You can use a natural deep cleansing mask, with kaolin clay, bentone gel as well as soothing and moisturizing ingredients.