How To Make A Girl Like You! It" s Real Easy To Make A Girl Like You Once You Understand This

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Look good
How you look plays a very important role in getting a girl to like you. If you dress shabby then she is going to feel like you are going to treat her in a shabby manner. Hence it becomes very important to create that good first impression and look good. Wear neatly ironed clothes that fit you well, get a haircut and a shave. If you wear your hair long or have a beard then get your beard trimmed and your hair washed before you meet her.

Have a warm and open smile
Have a smile that is warm, open and reaches your eyes. Women love men with warm smiles as it makes them feel secure and also gives them the impression that you like them.

Make her laugh
It is very important that you get her to have a good time with you and what better than having a few good laughs. Have a good sense of humor and build a conversation that is funny and interesting. A humorous man comes across as an intelligent man and hence automatically builds attraction.

Give her attention
When she is with you make her feel like she is the only woman present in the room. Don't talk about other women and most importantly, don't look at other women. You have to make her feel like you have eyes only for her and everything else is inconsequential.

Be chivalrous
No matter how independent a woman is, chivalry always turns her on. So, go and pull out that chair for her, hold the door open and be that ultimate gentleman and see how she gets drawn to you.

Learn to listen
You also have to learn to pay attention to what she has to "say". Men are too busy gaping at women to listen to what they are saying and in the end look like blundering idiots when they are asked a question. You have to make her feel like you are interested in her by listening to her intently and when she sees that she will get drawn to you.

Compliment her
Complimenting a woman is a great way of making her feel special and thereby attracting her towards you. But make sure that your compliments are not your average run of the mill boring ones. Give her original compliments that make her feel like you have been paying attention to her.

Now listen carefully-

What you are about to discover something most men will never know when it comes to attracting women. This is one thing which is an absolute must know for every man out there. You are about to discover an ultimate secret weapon which will make women chase you around like crazy Even If You Are Bald, Fat Or Ugly!.....Trust me....You don't want to miss this one. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page because it might be the most important message you ever read- Click Here

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