Controlling Your Appetite-Losing Weight After Pregnancy Without Going Hungry
Many of us have been on host of diets, but the funny thing is that all these diets leave us even hungrier. Now that you are a new mom you have a baby to take care of and failure is not an option. On the other hand, you can't lose focus on post pregnancy weight loss as you aim to rid of those extra pounds. This does not mean you won't be pressed by the urge to overeat as your stomach will always ask for more. Knowing what tames your appetite will help in achieving your goals in addition to making you happy. Below are a few guidelines to help you:
Breakfast. It is my concern that many people tend to skip breakfast yet it is very important in our diet. The national weight control registry carried out a research on the number of people taking breakfast and those who don't and the rate at which they lose weight. The research found out that those who took breakfast lost weight easily than those who skipped. Your breakfast should incorporate protein, starch and fruit or vegetable. This will lead to loss of weight and you will always have energy to keep you strong throughout the day. An example of a good breakfast is black tea, bread, banana, and eggs.
2. Water. It is the best option to help you tame your appetite. The absence of calories in water and its ability to keep your stomach full for extended periods makes it(water) suitable for post pregnancy weight loss. When one is hungry, she may think that she is dehydrated, water can be used to get rid of it. In a period of 12 weeks, a research was done on dieters; there were those who take water before meals and those who didn't. Those who did take water lost about 5 pounds more than those who didn't take water. Taking of food with high water content increases you water intake like: watermelon, oranges and soup.
3. Fiber. Fibers have to be your pal, as it helps to tame your appetite. Fiber helps to keep you full for hours, those taking a lesser amount of food. Examples of food rich n fiber are: beans, barley and green peas.
4. Protein. It provides one with energy and one does not feel hungry easily. Breast feeding mothers need energy too. In order to lose weight one has to take the lean proteins at least in every meal. Examples include: eggs, legumes and turkey.
5. Eating: do you now what tames your appetite? The most important thing to know is how you take your food, which amount and how many times in a day. For one to be successful in post pregnancy weight loss, she must control the amount of food she takes. One should put it in mind when she is taking her food.
Breakfast. It is my concern that many people tend to skip breakfast yet it is very important in our diet. The national weight control registry carried out a research on the number of people taking breakfast and those who don't and the rate at which they lose weight. The research found out that those who took breakfast lost weight easily than those who skipped. Your breakfast should incorporate protein, starch and fruit or vegetable. This will lead to loss of weight and you will always have energy to keep you strong throughout the day. An example of a good breakfast is black tea, bread, banana, and eggs.
2. Water. It is the best option to help you tame your appetite. The absence of calories in water and its ability to keep your stomach full for extended periods makes it(water) suitable for post pregnancy weight loss. When one is hungry, she may think that she is dehydrated, water can be used to get rid of it. In a period of 12 weeks, a research was done on dieters; there were those who take water before meals and those who didn't. Those who did take water lost about 5 pounds more than those who didn't take water. Taking of food with high water content increases you water intake like: watermelon, oranges and soup.
3. Fiber. Fibers have to be your pal, as it helps to tame your appetite. Fiber helps to keep you full for hours, those taking a lesser amount of food. Examples of food rich n fiber are: beans, barley and green peas.
4. Protein. It provides one with energy and one does not feel hungry easily. Breast feeding mothers need energy too. In order to lose weight one has to take the lean proteins at least in every meal. Examples include: eggs, legumes and turkey.
5. Eating: do you now what tames your appetite? The most important thing to know is how you take your food, which amount and how many times in a day. For one to be successful in post pregnancy weight loss, she must control the amount of food she takes. One should put it in mind when she is taking her food.