How to Landscape With Cedar Trees
- 1). Plant along a fence line. Tall, thin varieties of cedar, such as Arborvitae, provide the perfect barrier between your property and your neighbor's. A line of cedars creates privacy and adds a clear sense of space to any outdoor area.
- 2). Use as a shade tree. Choose a location in need of shade, such as the middle of a yard or pasture, and plant a Red Cedar tree. Though it may take several years to grow large enough to create sufficient shade, a healthy cedar will benefit generations to come.
- 3). Mix with seasonal plants. Cedar trees stay green all year long and are a great way to add color to your yard in cold, winter months. Plant a few Northern White Cedar trees near your perennial garden or interspersed with seasonal trees to keep the area green all year round. These trees are often used as shrubs and are easy to keep on the smaller side.
- 4). Plant near a window. Many cedar trees grow tall in height and can provide a nice window display. Plant a cedar tree 10-15 feet from a first or second story window and watch it grow as years pass. Not only is it enjoyable to look at, once it reaches maturity is will help deflect cold winds and afternoon sun. Try an Incense Cedar as they grow tall but stay between 10 to5 feet at the base.
- 5). Plant along water. A small pond or lake is wonderfully accented by a ring of cedars. Plant several rows of Atlanta Cedar saplings along the edges of a body of water for an attractive weeping effect. Eastern Red Cedars will also grow well near water and produce plenty of berries for birds and mammals. At full height, they will both provide shade for swimmers and a bustling natural habitat.