Can I Lose My Salvation?

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The question of whether you can lose your salvation is an age-old debate in the Christian world.
There have always been the denomination twist and slant to the answers.
I am not going into that detail.
I am going express my mind on this subject as it relates to my salvation.
There are choices in life.
From the time we wake up to the time we go to bed, we face hundreds of choices.
Should I wear this or that? On the other hand, Should I eat this? So on and so forth...
We also live in a world where we need to trust and have faith in others besides ourselves.
Will the building we are working in, the restaurant we are eating in, cave in all of a sudden? Will this plane all of a sudden disintegrate in mid air? There are hundreds of situations day in and day out.
Just take the time to think about that.
It will make you pay attention to the way we live.
God is the initiator of salvation God loves the world (human race) so much He was willing to sacrifice or offer up his own son in order to redeems us.
This theme echoes throughout the Bible, the heart of God and the purpose behind the salvation story.
Love of God offers salvation The motivating factor is not saving his face.
It is not to respond to the heavenly forces.
Some even suggest it is a response to Satan's challenge.
I don't' think so.
It is very clearly love.
God loved the world.
Love as a dominating force enables God to take definitive action.
Therefore, to ask can I lose my salvation with such a loving God is troubling.
God will never take away your salvation.
Salvation cost God Only love can enable giving.
Some love for show off.
Others for charity or need.
However, the truest form of giving comes from only love.
The Love of God enables him to offer up his own precious son.
He was willing to let the son walk through this tough assignment and suffer a death on the cross.
The only motivating factor is Love, which enables his generous giving.
We are the responders When there is an offer, we need to respond.
We can respond with a 'YES' or a 'NO'.
If you do not respond, it defaults to a 'NO'.
Therefore, you cannot take the middle way out and say I am not saying either yes or no.
If you do not respond or say Yes, it is a NO.
Accept and enjoy the benefits When you accept the offer, salvation takes effect immediately in your spirit.
Your spirit is born again into a new creature.
It comes alive.
It was dead before.
Only the born again experience brings life to the spirit of man.
From then on, it is process of walking in the fellowship of God on a daily basis.
The Bible should become your guide and manual for living an enjoyable Christian life.
There will be temptations and falling into it frequently in the beginning.
You are learning and God is teaching you.
You will go through this and the frequency will slowly decrease.
Therefore, You will not need to face the question can I lose my salvation.
You will become mature and established by God himself as time progresses.
You should not struggle to become holy or perfect overnight or ever on your own.
All our holiness and perfection comes from believing on the cross.
All you need to do is to accept and say yes I cannot do it myself.
Jesus has already accomplished all that, and I will accept that.
Picture if you will that you cannot walk anymore but Jesus will carry you from now on, to reach my destination.
Reject and face consequences The only way you can lose your salvation is to reject outright that the gospel message is a fairy tale.
You made a mistake and you deice not to continue being the disciple of Christ.
When you do that there is an issue here of whether you were ever born again and saved.
Because the new life from God will flourish and bear fruit if you were born.
Jesus said you should know them by their fruit.
Therefore, if you are struggling to bring the fruit that is understandable in the beginning, but if you are constantly living the same kind of unproductive life you used to live before, there is something wrong.
If you are saved, your spirit is alive.
Then you will live by the spirit and not the flesh.
Therefore, if you are struggling and want to live a godly life, then you will never lose your salvation.
However, if you decide you do not like it or want it, then you lose it by rejecting it yourself.
Blame no one, God, or other fellow Christian.
Therefore, can I lose my salvation, NO.
In His Eternal Love Robert Fenn The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.
Proverbs 9:10
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