How to Draw Wild Animals With Geometric Shapes
- 1). Choose the shapes that best suit the type of animal you want to draw. Triangles, ovals and rectangles would work best for a kangaroo. For an elephant, you might use a large oval to represent the body and thick rectangles for the legs.
- 2). Sketch your initial drawing using basic shapes. Use a drafting compass to help you keep the shapes perfect. Sketch your basic geometric animal in three sections. These three sections include the head and neck, the mid section and the hind section. Sketch the shapes lightly so you can erase them later.
- 3). Erase and redraw your animal one section at a time. Begin with the head and neck section. Use a reference photo if you need one. Sketch the true outline of the wild animal you're drawing with the shapes in place. Erase the shapes as you finish each section of your animal. Do this with a light pencil until you have the outline of your animal correctly drawn.
- 4). Sketch over the outline of your animal with a darker pencil line, then add facial details, pencil lines and shading to make the hair or hide on your animal. Use darker shading around the eyes and mouth to give depth to your animal's facial features.