IVF Problems
In vitro fertilization is an option that many women with fertility problems have turned to in order to conceive, and it has been proven to be an effective solution in many cases.
Many women have found that IVF has enable them to conceive despite their infertility, PCOS, or advanced age, and the IVF procedure is becoming a useful alternative for women who are unable to conceive using natural methods.
As with any medical procedure, there are a few problems that could arise when trying IVF, and these IVF problems range from the mild to the extremely serious.
In order to make an educated decision about IVF, it is important to know what problems IVF can cause in the human body.
If you are prepared to handle the various IVF problems, you may find that IVF is a solution that will help you to conceive after many years of trying.
One of the main problems of IVF is women's reactions to the drugs used.
There are a few drugs used to induce ovulation in the woman, and these drugs occasionally cause the woman's body to react strongly.
Side effects can include vomiting, nausea, irritability, restlessness, headaches, lack of breath, bloated abdomen, and ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.
These problems can all be treated, but it is vital that you take the time to visit your doctor to find out what is causing the side effects.
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome is a side effect that can result from the hormones that you take to help get pregnant.
OHSS is the term given to the condition in which the body produces too many eggs in the ovaries.
This causes the ovaries to swell up, causing pain ranging from mild discomfort to acute pain.
It is essential that you present this IVF problem to a doctor if it occurs, as there could be serious side effects.
Another serious IVF problem that occurs in a small number of women is a multiple pregnancy.
This happens when too many live embryos are inserted into the woman's womb, and they all take and are conceived as twins, triplets, or more.
Having multiple babies can increase your blood pressure, can increase the chances that you will have diabetes, and may cause your babies to be born extremely underweight or very prematurely.
Most of the IVF procedures in the U.
only use a single embryo, or at most two, but occasionally a number are used when a woman is having a hard time conceiving.
One IVF problem that is not as common, but does happen, is an ectopic pregnancy.
Ectopic pregnancies result when the egg is fertilized and begins to grow in the Fallopian tubes, rather than in the uterus where it belongs.
The growing egg causes the Fallopian tubes to expand, which can lead to serious internal bleeding.
You may experience vaginal bleeding or spotting, or you may even bleed internally and cause pain in your abdomen.
If you have taken a pregnancy test that has returned positive but you are still bleeding, report this to your doctor immediately to ensure that there is no chance that an ectopic pregnancy can harm you.
Many women have found that IVF has enable them to conceive despite their infertility, PCOS, or advanced age, and the IVF procedure is becoming a useful alternative for women who are unable to conceive using natural methods.
As with any medical procedure, there are a few problems that could arise when trying IVF, and these IVF problems range from the mild to the extremely serious.
In order to make an educated decision about IVF, it is important to know what problems IVF can cause in the human body.
If you are prepared to handle the various IVF problems, you may find that IVF is a solution that will help you to conceive after many years of trying.
One of the main problems of IVF is women's reactions to the drugs used.
There are a few drugs used to induce ovulation in the woman, and these drugs occasionally cause the woman's body to react strongly.
Side effects can include vomiting, nausea, irritability, restlessness, headaches, lack of breath, bloated abdomen, and ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.
These problems can all be treated, but it is vital that you take the time to visit your doctor to find out what is causing the side effects.
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome is a side effect that can result from the hormones that you take to help get pregnant.
OHSS is the term given to the condition in which the body produces too many eggs in the ovaries.
This causes the ovaries to swell up, causing pain ranging from mild discomfort to acute pain.
It is essential that you present this IVF problem to a doctor if it occurs, as there could be serious side effects.
Another serious IVF problem that occurs in a small number of women is a multiple pregnancy.
This happens when too many live embryos are inserted into the woman's womb, and they all take and are conceived as twins, triplets, or more.
Having multiple babies can increase your blood pressure, can increase the chances that you will have diabetes, and may cause your babies to be born extremely underweight or very prematurely.
Most of the IVF procedures in the U.
only use a single embryo, or at most two, but occasionally a number are used when a woman is having a hard time conceiving.
One IVF problem that is not as common, but does happen, is an ectopic pregnancy.
Ectopic pregnancies result when the egg is fertilized and begins to grow in the Fallopian tubes, rather than in the uterus where it belongs.
The growing egg causes the Fallopian tubes to expand, which can lead to serious internal bleeding.
You may experience vaginal bleeding or spotting, or you may even bleed internally and cause pain in your abdomen.
If you have taken a pregnancy test that has returned positive but you are still bleeding, report this to your doctor immediately to ensure that there is no chance that an ectopic pregnancy can harm you.