Self-administered Tests for Pelvic Girdle Pain in Pregnancy
Self-administered Tests for Pelvic Girdle Pain in Pregnancy
The 123 women who performed the self-administered tests before the visit to the clinic were on average 30.7 (SD 4.5) years of age, in gestational week 22 (SD 4.7) and pregnant with their second child (min 0- max 4). The women were well distributed as concerns educational level and sedentary vs. active lifestyle.
Results of the self-administered tests and the tests performed at the clinic are given in Table 1 . There were significantly higher numbers of positive P4 and bridging tests during the visit compared to positive self-administered tests (P = 0.036 and 0.001 respectively). There were significantly lower numbers of positive modified Trendelenburg tests (anterior p < 0.001, posterior p < 0.016) ASLR and SLR (both p < 0.001) during the visit compared to positive self-administered tests.
The percentage of agreement, sensitivity and PPV between the self-administered tests and the tests done by the examiner during the visit was calculated. Results are given in Table 2 . Of the evaluated tests for posterior PGP the P4 and bridging tests had the highest percentage of agreement (77.2 and 74.8%), sensitivity (80.6 and 75.5) and PPV (91.2 and 92.8%). Of the two tests for anterior pelvic pain the MAT test had the highest percentage of agreement (76.4%) and PPV (69.5%) but the modified Trendelenburg test had the highest sensitivity (93.0%).
The percentage of agreement between P4 performed by an examiner and the self-administered bridging test was 78% and the sensitivity 77%. The percentage of agreement and sensitivity between the palpation of the symphysis and the self-administered MAT test were found to be 65% and 67%.
Of the 123 women with a positive pain drawing and pain history according to the questionnaire, 109 also had positive self-administered tests. One hundred and eleven women were classified with PGP by the examiner. There was no significant difference between the proportion of women who were classified with PGP by the self-administered tests and questionnaire and during the visit (p = 0.845). Of the 118 women classified with PGP either based on results from self-administered tests and response to questionnaire or based on classification of the examiner, nine were classified only by self-administered tests combined with response to questionnaire, seven only during the visit. The agreement between both classifications of the examiner and what was reported in the self-administered tests combined with questionnaires was 87% (n = 102) ( Table 2 ).
The 123 women who performed the self-administered tests before the visit to the clinic were on average 30.7 (SD 4.5) years of age, in gestational week 22 (SD 4.7) and pregnant with their second child (min 0- max 4). The women were well distributed as concerns educational level and sedentary vs. active lifestyle.
Results of the self-administered tests and the tests performed at the clinic are given in Table 1 . There were significantly higher numbers of positive P4 and bridging tests during the visit compared to positive self-administered tests (P = 0.036 and 0.001 respectively). There were significantly lower numbers of positive modified Trendelenburg tests (anterior p < 0.001, posterior p < 0.016) ASLR and SLR (both p < 0.001) during the visit compared to positive self-administered tests.
The percentage of agreement, sensitivity and PPV between the self-administered tests and the tests done by the examiner during the visit was calculated. Results are given in Table 2 . Of the evaluated tests for posterior PGP the P4 and bridging tests had the highest percentage of agreement (77.2 and 74.8%), sensitivity (80.6 and 75.5) and PPV (91.2 and 92.8%). Of the two tests for anterior pelvic pain the MAT test had the highest percentage of agreement (76.4%) and PPV (69.5%) but the modified Trendelenburg test had the highest sensitivity (93.0%).
The percentage of agreement between P4 performed by an examiner and the self-administered bridging test was 78% and the sensitivity 77%. The percentage of agreement and sensitivity between the palpation of the symphysis and the self-administered MAT test were found to be 65% and 67%.
Of the 123 women with a positive pain drawing and pain history according to the questionnaire, 109 also had positive self-administered tests. One hundred and eleven women were classified with PGP by the examiner. There was no significant difference between the proportion of women who were classified with PGP by the self-administered tests and questionnaire and during the visit (p = 0.845). Of the 118 women classified with PGP either based on results from self-administered tests and response to questionnaire or based on classification of the examiner, nine were classified only by self-administered tests combined with response to questionnaire, seven only during the visit. The agreement between both classifications of the examiner and what was reported in the self-administered tests combined with questionnaires was 87% (n = 102) ( Table 2 ).