Radial Tendonitis
- Radial tendonitis can be caused by trauma or repetitive motion. Trauma occurs when the arm is struck, impacted or injured in some way that damages the tendons. Repetitive motion typically takes place in sports like bowling or tennis, where the arm is swung in a specific manner over long periods of time. Even repetitive motion in low-energy activities, such as playing video games, may aggravate radial tendonitis. According to Cleveland Clinic, radial tendonitis may also be caused by "stresses from other conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, gout, psoriatic arthritis, thyroid disorders or unusual medication reactions."
- Radial tendonitis is characterized by a swelling of tendons, usually accompanied by tenderness and reddening of the surrounding skin. Once radial tendonitis develops, the surrounding joints may become difficult to move or completely immobile. Movement may also be associated with some level of pain.
- Radial tendonitis is typically mild and will abate with time and proper treatment. The arm should be well-rested and monitored carefully to ensure that symptoms do not worsen. Ice, cold packs or bags of frozen vegetables can be wrapped in a thin cloth and applied to the affected area in short intervals (10 to 15 minutes). This will help reduce swelling and numb pain. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs such as Ibuprofen can also be taken to reduce symptoms. If movement induces pain, the arm can be placed in a cast or wrapped in athletic tape to limit involuntary movement.
- Precautions should be taken to limit the possibility of radial tendonitis. Protective gear, such as bowling gloves, can be worn to alleviate constant pressure placed on the tendons. Short breaks should be taken during long periods of exercise to limit strain placed on the wrist or forearm. Any pain or discomfort of the arm should be monitored closely to ensure that radial tendonitis does not occur. Pain in the arm that lasts longer than a few minutes may be an indicator that radial tendonitis has begun to develop.
- Under no circumstances should excessive pressure be applied to an injured tendon. Because tendonitis weakens the tendon, excessive pressure may cause individual fibers to fray or break quicker, leading to prolonged symptoms. In severe cases, excessive pressure may cause the tendon to snap or rupture, which will require surgery to remedy.