Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis Review
Signs and symptoms
Most symptoms of Juvenile Rheumatoid-Arthritis are no specific at initial stage, these signs includeLethargyReduced physical activityPoor appetiteSome of the first signs in children is limping, It may also be mistaken to be flu because of its flu-like symptomsThe basic proven sign are the persistent swelling on the affected joints; these joints include ankle, wrist, knee & other small joints in the hands & feet.Pain and morning stiffness are also some of the signs of this condition, they some of late effects of arthritis.Eye disease- juvenile idiopathic arthritis is coupled with soreness in the front of the eye, which affects one in every five children who have JIAGrowth disorder: most children with JIA have condensed overall rate of growth, especially if this disease has affected many joints or other body-systems. Absurdly, children whose large joints (e.g. knees) are affected tend to grow faster, this is attributed to the inflammation and the increased in blood circulation to the plates around the joint.
Types of JIA
JRA usually manifests itself in kids between 6 months to 16 yrs old. Some of the first signs are joint twinge or swelling and reddened or warm joints.
There are seven major types of JRA:Systemic :- It Affects the whole body. Patience's usually experiences high fevers which tend rise at night. The patient may even develop rashes, lymph and spleen may be affected and eventually swelling, stiffness and pain is experiences in the joints and the surround regions.Oligoarthritis:- It may affect fewer joints. Some of the symptoms include stiffness, swelling and pain within the joint regions. The most affect joints are the wrist & knee. Polyarticular arthritis (rheumatoid factor negative) :- It tends to affects girls compared to boys. Like in other types of JRA the main symptoms are swelling and pain in the joints. Even the ankles, hips, feet, neck and small joints in the hands are no spared. Polyarticular arthritis, (rheumatoid factor positive). It affects up to15% of all children suffering from polyarticular arthritis which is nearly to about 3% of all with JRA. This form JRA is similar with the adult rheumatoid-arthritis.Psoriatic arthritis. Patients suffering from this form JRA also have psoriasis rash, and their fingernails and toenails are usually affected by the psoriasis.Enthesitis-related arthritis. It normally affects the spine. Undifferentiated arthritis.
Up to now the cause of JRA is unknown but the disorder is autoimmune this means that the immune system begins fighting and destroying the cell and tissues. This is believed to be caused by environmental changes. Studies have pointed to particular virus which mutated and are able to trigger JRA. This disease tend to attack young girls and its more common to people white (Caucasians) descent. Linked factors which may exacerbate this disease include the following:-Genetic predisposition; if one member is diagnosed the likelihood of other siblings of having or developing JRA is high.Females compared to their male counterparts are prone to develop rheumatoid-arthritis.
E treatment will always depend on the kind of arthritics one has. The common means of treatment are:Medicine (NSAIDS) used to reduce or alleviate the swelling and the pain. With is usually accompanied with physical therapy.Exercise.