Alarming New Mexico Personal Injury Lawyer Statistics
Lawmakers aren't to blame. New Mexico scored 7 out of 10 on key legislative indicators, while the national average for this statistic is 5 out of 10. The indicators include: seat belt laws, mandatory ignition interlocks for convicted drunk drivers, booster seats for children aged eight and under, mandatory bicycle helmets for children, protection for domestic abuse complaints for unmarried couples, concussion laws, prescription drug monitoring, motorcycle helmet laws, teen dating violence laws, and emergency treatment codes for tracking trends. The last three are those which New Mexico does not, as yet, have. The problem is that people frequently disregard even the most enforceable laws.
True "accidents" do indeed happen, but much of the time there is an element to the case which could have been prevented if one or more parties had used more caution. After death, brain damage, resulting from a number of causes, is the injury most often seen by Albuquerque personal injury attorneys. In some cases, medical malpractice during childbirth can lead to serious effects including brain damage, the development of cerebral palsy, and other effects, as described by New Mexico birth injury lawyers.
According to Albuquerque medical malpractice lawyers, obstetrics cases are the most common malpractice suits. The largest category of injuries (fatal or otherwise) result from automobile accidents. New Mexico is on a major trucking route, so large trucks are common on the main highways. For example, Interstate 25 has seen an increase in collisions as the result of recent changes to the lane striping, according to Albuquerque car accident lawyer surveys.
Santa Fe personal injury lawyers have reported that the number of teen drivers under the influence of alcohol has decreased in the last decade. While this is very good news, automobile accidents remain the number one cause of death for New Mexico teenagers, and one in five such collisions involves alcohol. The concept of duty of care is something that New Mexico personal injury lawyers are well familiar with. This requires an individual or commercial entity to provide reasonable safety precautions to protect people from injury through the normal course of activities.
In order for a court to rule in favor of the complainant, the defendant must be found negligent in duty of care. No one leaves the house in the morning expecting to be injured. While you don't have much control over what other people do, you can be sure that you adhere to laws, observe safety precautions, and maintain an alertness which will give you a chance to react in time if you see danger developing. Set a good example for your family and friends. If you keep safety in mind, you probably will never have the need of the services of an Albuquerque, New Mexico personal injury attorney.