Definition: (informal adj) - corny, rinky-dink, old-fashioned
Quelle expression ringarde ! - What a corny expression!
Je n'aime pas ces livres ; ils sont ringards - I don't like these books; they're old-fashioned
Related: un/e ringard/e - fuddy duddy, old-fashioned person; une ringardise - fuddy duddy
(click the little red + white graphic below to hear the Mot du jour pronounced)
Pronunciation: [ra(n) gar]
Quelle expression ringarde ! - What a corny expression!
Je n'aime pas ces livres ; ils sont ringards - I don't like these books; they're old-fashioned
Related: un/e ringard/e - fuddy duddy, old-fashioned person; une ringardise - fuddy duddy
(click the little red + white graphic below to hear the Mot du jour pronounced)
Pronunciation: [ra(n) gar]